"Enjoy the Decline"
Published 10/17/18 by Doctordinglefuck [0 Comments]

The phrase - "enjoy the decline" is repeated around here for a couple reasons:

1. We recognize that society's current order is crumbling, by design

2. We want to benefit from the knowledge of how to sexually navigate these chaotic times

However, it has always left a bad taste in my mouth to say "enjoy the decline". It beckons a tone of sinister evil, as if the devil is saying it.

For those unfamiliar with magic, or life in general, there are two paths any magician can follow in life. The right hand path, and the left hand path. The right hand path leads to creation, and mostly involves worshipping a God and is benevolent. The left hand path always leads to destruction, and involves worshipping yourself, or deities that benefit you, such as Lucifer. This path is malevolent.

We seem to be on the tail end of a destructive cycle that someone, or a group of people, have been taking lately. The phrase "enjoy the decline" recognizes that there is indeed a society wide decline, and, following in our cultures destructive ways, we tell ourselves to just enjoy it.

I don't really want to enjoy the decline. I don't want to watch as society around me falls into the hands of left hand path magicians and into chaos and destruction. The deepest essence of my soul longs for creation, and benevolence. However, this is a nearly impossible task in our modern culture of 2018. Nearly.

I believe that there is a growing group of humanity that wishes to end the chaos. I believe there are millions of people yearning for creation and the joy of life again. I believe those people, some of them, are right here on TRP.

How do we begin the cycle of creation again, rather than following the destructive path of globalist billionaires?

It all begins with the family. As men, we are the creators of everything on this god given planet. We create order, we create chaos, we create almost everything. It is up to us to make our lives as we see fit, but also to show others the way. Begin by composing your family into order, and teach them the ways of this current world. Let them know that it is truly a battle between creation and destruction, and bring these concepts to the forefront of their minds so deeply that they know without a doubt it is the truth. Then, guide them to create moments of pure presence, joy and peace throughout your life. Beckon the spirit of God, the spirit of creation to show you the way. The mind, body and spirit must all be in harmony. When one is out of balance, the human becomes sick. Humanity is dangerously sick right now. Some sort of disease, spiritual, mental or biological, is plaguing our species and this must be known. The cure begins with the spiritual aspect of our lives. We agree that it is the destructive left hand spirits that guided us to this sick point in humanity, and so the answer for the cure seems quite obvious. Begin by praising the lord. Praise god as highly as you possibly can, in many areas of your life, and when you are in need. He is the one who will guide us into heaven on earth. This ultimately means more stable female relationships, in redpill terms. The benefits of gods will are truly endless. If you havent had the joy of being lately, take a look at what jesus was pointing to when he was on this earth and you might feel the magnitude of his message.