A Review of Rollo Tomassi's Iron Rule #6 - Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved.
Published 06/24/19 by RedPillLegion [0 Comments]

Iron Rule of Tomassi #6

Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved.

Men are the true romantics. Women, or "War Brides," are capable of only loving a man to the extent of value he can provide her. If another man comes along, of higher value, she'll begin evaluating a potential branch swing.

Remember the fundamental law of any friendship; it's always a transaction. It's the baseline of any relationship with a woman and must always be observed.

Look at it this way: Men value love. Women love value.

Men expect loyalty and unconditional love. Think of brothers-in-arms in an armed conflict. The heroic, brotherhood proudly standing together. Men who would rush in at any moments notice to save one of his comrades if need be.

Women want the man who saved all the other men, when he is back home safely receving his medals.

A Review of Rollo Tomassi's Iron Rule #5 - NEVER allow a woman to be in control of the birth.
Published 06/24/19 by RedPillLegion [0 Comments]

Iron Rule of Tomassi #5

NEVER allow a woman to be in control of the birth.

In this day and age, it's almost a safe bet to just simply never trust any woman with contraceptives.

As the man, you're the one on the line for 18 years to pay for this kid. That's a long time based off a few minutes of fucking. Is it really worth it, man?

Don't blame alcohol or drugs. This is always on you to show up, wrap up and flush those kids down the toilet when done.

I've been invovled with a local red pill group composed of men of all ages, the worst stories all stem from a history of marriage or having kids invovled.


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