5y ago  The Hub

Things real niggas say on their tinder bios:

"You've probably fucked over 5 guys. I've fucked 0. Therefore I am Superior to you. #NoHymenNoDiamond #IfSheFlirtsSheSquirts"

5y ago  The Hub

@KnowledgeSlayer "That's just something a girl says when she can't handle her feelings of lust for a Man."

5y ago  The Hub

@Noblefiz doing it naturally will make you feel bad. prob her too. doing it as a troll will yield best results (bonus if she knows youre bullshitting her)

5y ago  The Hub

tell a girl to call you

then dont pick up the phone.

apologize for missing her call, then have you call you again

then dont pick up again or respond to her texts for a day.

she'll find you irresistible

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