5y ago  The Hub

@NormalAndy Yeah but imagine if we all did that. We'd get to feel all strong and Hillary Clinton would be president. Also I feel the GOP is improving with Trump. Anti-globalist and the Kavanaugh ordeal shows Trump is very pro men

5y ago  The Hub

@winninglosing eh, maybe. Whisper has a great post on the redefining of marriage here on TRP.red. Even if marriage "worked", you still trap yourself. You should always have one foot out the door in a relationship. You close the door with marriage. If your wife lost all respect for you, got fat, etc. you couldn't Next.

5y ago  The Hub

@winninglosing Trad--encourage marriage among young men. Culturally, they're totally in line with the feminine imperative.

Neocon--thinks it's our job to save all these shithole countries. Oh and their method is a bunch of predator drone air-strikes. Don't play in a shithole or you'll get shit on you.

Oh, and neocons hate nationalism

5y ago  The Hub

@BigClitorisDick Ah, but in Japan, it's the same or worse for men and they are extreme race collectivists

5y ago  The Hub

@NormalAndy Well no one else is getting elected and I'm not willing to vote independent to "protest" the voting binary. Unless the other option you're talking about is anarchy which I'm starting to really like right now...

5y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil you think that's because Anglos are so mixed? Roman, Pictish, Frank, Germanic, etc blood?

5y ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS curious to read your essay. I've always hated the trad-neocon side of the GOP but supported them anyway, considering the other option.

5y ago  The Hub

@TRP_Scepter define best...you realize you are asking BP men to become as BP as possible?

5y ago  The Hub

@KnowledgeSlayer I think your attitude is 100% correct but I'm still on the wall as far as even mentioning politics goes. I usually just say, "I don't even know who's president"

5y ago  The Hub

@mattyanon you don't have to look at everyone, but unfortunately most people don't look because they're scared, not because of disinterest. Practice looking at everyone for a few months if you're new

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