4y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- this guy literally tells people to be nice all day. Hahaha

4y ago  The Hub


What’s your point? I know I and 50 million pissed off conservative Americans aren’t going to accept a fucking absolute monarch, so anyone or any institution we put in power will obviously be sharing power with us.

Where are you from out of curiosity?

4y ago  The Hub

@Chaddeus_Rex there’s no such thing as not sharing power. Kim Jong Un shares power. The question is how much power will he share.

4y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 I’m not worried about censorship. It’s just bizarre.

4y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- I hope you guys have a lot of free time on your hands.

4y ago  The Hub
4y ago  The Hub
4y ago  The Hub


This page shouldn’t exist then. Do they seriously think this is a viable long solution? Every time someone gets a little bit too real they’re gonna come tell you to be nice like a third grade teacher?

4y ago  The Hub

@Chaddeus_Rex Athens went through a lot of different political systems but you know the one we are talking about is universal male citizen democracy.

And no, I don’t equate that with all forms of republican government. I know that the central underlying assumption of dark enlightenment reaction types is that all historical expansions of representation are actually “entropy,” or an unraveling of the natural order of things, but I reject this argument. I believe it can be true sometimes, but by and large it is done to match authority with responsibility, which produces the most effective outcomes.

It is only when this rational idea is reverted into a right or representation is held up as a human right that things start to go to shit.

4y ago  The Hub
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