6mo ago  The Hub

@carnold03 Thanks man - some of them I should have avoided.

I got questions: do you use some helper program [it would help me to re-check after self-correction], are all the corrections compulsory or some of them make it easier [more pleasant] to read text?

6mo ago  The Hub


solid numbers and facts

I came to conclusion that giving away any information is 'dangerous'.

I was thinking, how participating in pre-electoral polls might not be good for 'you'.

Politicians do the polls to estimate the popularity of party / idea [idea = popularity of the party as well] etc. This way they can adjust to PLEASE the electorate and stand a chance in the next elections. So meanwhile they would be committing acts of corruption, that would bring down thir popularity down, they would be able to adjust it better knowing what people need/want/like and doing it at the smallest possible cost.

On the other hand polls will bring info what topics are most engaging/divisive etc. Even better

Polls on how popular supporting Israel/Ukraine is?

OK, so [79%][whatever] supports it. Doesn't matter should we logically do it. We get extra support for most of our actions. Does it have aureola effect on other policies and party. Likely.

Shop loyalty cards. Shop get a profile of the shopper. Shopper is 30-40, always buys shopping for at least 300 units. We can increase the price, since the item X is on the shopping list of 95% of these people, but only 3% of the rest [etc].

Hey, let's release the frigging war stats. Why shouldn't we share those. It means shit anyway.

Being a man, I know most men like: maps, women, tinkering, stats. Yeah I check out the war stats, I don't believe them. I know or at least expect these stats are being SOLD to me if there is at least 1 behavioural analyst working for each involved government and at least 1 IT guy collecting war related clicks and word counts from websites.

TL;DR Believing stats from war is GAY.

Only shadow stats could be employed to know realities. I was reading, that to estimate Chinese something smoothing, west had to check electricity usage in combination with something like lights as seen from space.

In case of Ukraine shadows [electricity etc] stats would be shit since infrastructure is damaged, war production, women left, influx of foreign internationals. It will only be possible 5-10y after war at the earliest, IMO.

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6mo ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS it probably is this - rib flare

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