4y ago  The Beer Hall

@Chaddeus_Rex I agree with what you said and that's the beauty of it, as you move along the path of TRP, eventually you let go of being in the extreme once you find your purpose. At that exact moment, nothing can get in your way as your too fucking busy doin your things. Instantly you go from forcing the frame with being extreme to, your frame is now seen as just how/who you are around other people. It becomes a second thought and your frame is kept naturally without even trying to fake it. Does it work if you go balls out and start shutting down everyone out? Abso-fucking-lutely, is it a good life-long TRP approach, I don't think so. At least that's my point of view

4y ago  The Beer Hall
Bar Heckler


The solution to being immune to betas and womens emotions is to have extreme opinions. When you are extreme, and you have conviction, that naturally gives you "frame" you do not have to act like Rollo like you have "frame". Your conviction is alluring for conviction is charismatic, it is powerful and acts to drag others into your orbit. Conviction makes you fight (which explains the combat we have observed on the main page).

Being a "centrist" is not a position of "rationality". It is a position of cowardice - it is a position where one fears to commit to something more because it would imply conflict. Cowards use "rationality" to hide behind and make themselves seem better than they are.

4y ago  The Hub

@Osiris because it's the human's natural instinct to got for the PLR ( path of least resistance ) it's easier to cruise in the extremes than to constantly battling the uncertainty of moderation It's easier to be all in or all out than to half ass it Plus you cannot, I repeat, you CANNOT have a rational conversation with a chick because she will eventually bring up shit tests, emotions, confusion into the conversation Once you trigger a woman's emotion, run my g because she will soon become a handful and waste your time, time that could be spent on your PURPOSE

4y ago  TheRedPill

@redpillschool Start your business, hit the gymmmmmmmmmmmm, your purpose is more important than anything on this earth so don't worry about the noise around you

4y ago  The Hub

@bloodexorcist Got myself some nice Olympic rings and from that point on, gymnastic ring videos on YouTube is your way to completely shredded physique. You just find a way to mount them to the ceiling or the structure in your basement ( it's an easy craft ) Basically I do, ring dips, ring push ups, ring pull ups, static holds for my arms for the most part and reverse curls I do pistol squats for the legs and I do L sits on the rings for the abs with arm lockout to stimulate the biceps, killing two birds with one stone. For the shoulders, I do wall push ups and for the triceps I do overhead pushups on my rings. I'm telling you, get yourself some Olympic rings and watch some muscles you didn't even know existed come to life

4y ago  The Hub

@assassin You will always have people to take things to the extreme so things can always get out of hand. But at the end of the day, if we start setting standards on TRP, we basically bend over backwards and let this beta wave of human beings take the control of how we see, understand and apply the vision. Although at the same time, is it even that bad that more beta males are appearing ? More validation for the girls, we become more scarce, SMV going up It's a win win lmao

4y ago  The Hub

@TheStoicCrane Heck even with the gyms currently closed, I'm still making gainz lmao nothing you can't do with your bodyweight

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