7y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool Even most of the based girls I know follow this trend like a cult...

7y ago  The Hub

@the-ban-hammer Sweet. I'll start drawing one up for September (for the one you linked), which I'll probably post on the first of October.

7y ago  The Hub

@LockedOnTheRedPill Yes, I'd support that. It's one thing for people to have problems swallowing the red pill. It's another to actively show them what NOT to be while striving to be better.

7y ago  The Hub
7y ago  The Hub

@the-ban-hammer I'm really fucking tempted to do a "cuck of the month" post on the main sub. Posts can be nominated each month, and the winner will have a "Red Pill" Lens put on them. Would you guys support this?

7y ago  The Hub

@RPFerro Nah, probably ten inches deep. I have feeling she's the chick to keep a dude around just because he's hung.

7y ago  The Hub

@the-ban-hammer That's a great nomination for cuck of the month.

7y ago  The Hub

@dr_warlock That should just be stickied to the front page of the sub. SO many of those questions could be answered by just reading the sidebar. I still answer questions there though because I used to be the guy in that position. Just my way of giving back.

7y ago  The Hub


The first red pill: you suck.


Now go do something about that.

7y ago  The Hub

@Yorknew It's it's almost like you gotta talk to them like kids. ;) They really test my patience sometimes.

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