5y ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS - and they moderated all the comments too. The biggest problem here is censorship- plain, simple and scary. Creating new forums is the only way to circumvent it.

5y ago  The Hub
5y ago  The Hub

@Doctordinglefuck - you really scared of a girl m8? Fair enough. Best you get off the keyboard and into the gym pronto.

5y ago  The Hub

@ascending - No shit sherlock? Religion is still one of the most useful tools tptb have for controling the population. "Divide and Conquer!" By making religions squabble with trivialities, by making the difference between men and women an issue, the struggle against the real enemy, corrupt power structures, is obscured.

5y ago  The Hub

Developing self awareness

5y ago  The Hub

@BadBoyProgrammer- Sad but true perhaps. A lot of it IS about dealing with failure or shit tests or pain. First learn to deal, then learn to welcome. It's always hard but that is the point.

5y ago  The Hub

@BadBoyProgrammer The only question is: did her shit tests spur him on to become the greateast philosopher ever or was she the reason the hemlock went down so easy?

5y ago  The Hub

The '300k' - lol. Forget Socrates and his missus, I'm feeling Spartan all of a sudden!

5y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool - just use old posts, sidebar and snippets from the archives. Your gold is lying there waiting to be reused. All you gotta do is spend it!

5y ago  The Hub

@mattyanon Success is the best revenge. I would like more success stories on Reddit from the 300k - with links to trp.red. Honestly it

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