5y ago  The Hub
5y ago  The Hub

@zaratustra Example of a frame that helped you?

5y ago  The Hub

So when do the threads open? Seems people are still posting on Reddit, but Reddit hasn't changed it stants

5y ago  The Hub

@neutrid Like, "I see you're ..." v "are you?" (statements v questions)

5y ago  The Hub

@Doctordinglefuck Is that enough to maintain muscle?

5y ago  The Hub

@theultmatecad any suggestions on good places for interacting? I open everywhere I go, but want to REALLY push beyond my comfort.

5y ago  The Hub

@theultmatecad Cool. Can max bench over my weight and do 14 pullups rn. Bulking now, but do want to lose bf after this bulk.

5y ago  The Hub

@neutrid I wrote out a good amount of tasks today for the next month. All are smaller pieces of bigger goals

5y ago  The Hub

@theultmatecad Honest current standing:

  • 0 plates. Can open ok, can't really take it anywhere and still feeling uncomfortable and struggling to build comfort for other person.
  • Few (less than 3) meaningful friendships. Need to add meaningful social outlets.
  • Not a millionaire. Need to save more.
5y ago  The Hub

@Greatwhitenorth Following the same pattern with habits?

Thanks to @Greatwhitenorth @neutrid @theultmatecad @Schlongington for all the responses and help. Am putting into action.

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