5y ago  The Hub

@Noblefiz way to go

5y ago  The Hub

@Castle how do you want to stop daydreaming?

5y ago  The Hub

It makes no sense that the nation wants to get rid of gender stereotypes, but extensively celebrates gender reveals

5y ago  The Hub


Vices: 1) eating chocolate 2) masquerading for approval 3) being too passive in my life

Goals: regularly practicing e-guitar

5y ago  The Hub

@sir_wankalot_here ty, never saw it that way. Makes much sense actually. I wonder if there are studies about it that classify archetypes of pet owners, who range from normal to psychopathic.

5y ago  The Hub

@sir_wankalot_here why is that?

5y ago  The Hub

@TheViolat0r a person that loves the rudimentary affection of an animal over the sophisticated relationship humans have. There are myriads of reasons for it, but I would vote for an unstable personality that heavily relies on a rock solid personality, as a cause.

5y ago  The Hub

@perrolo it's ok to have a partner or being alone. As long as you think and feel that it's the path you have to take to getting closer to the "real" you. As a kid, did you play in the playground because you couldn't play by yourself? No. You played there because it was more fun with others. They enriched your experience.

5y ago  The Hub

@winninglosing I went to a Comedy Club and stayed for a while in the bar afterwards. Of course, being alone and the incident overshadowed the 2h of previous fun. Having said that Success=pain+reflection. Everything got awkward because I made it awkward, but I'll get better at it. So will you, just get out there and reflect on it.

5y ago  The Hub

1st time being alone in a bar, chatted with some people, when a girl who was sitting alone at a bar got into our conversation. She was arrogant from the beginning and try hard mysterious. After some sarcastic jokes from my side, she stood up and said, you are an asshole. Immediately thought, I am that guy now. But BP-self still felt hurt.

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