5y ago  The Hub

sadomasochrist: "men must be monsters who are capable of extending kindness to a woman when it wants to, when she deserves it."

5y ago  The Hub

@BornOfOsiris lol, sure if you think you're better than others in all possible ways, go ahead and feel superior in your own head.

5y ago  The Hub

@BornOfOsiris No, because even though I know I'm in a better place than all my other friends, finance and relationship wise, I don't rub them in my friends' faces.

5y ago  The Hub

@TheStoicCrane When I prioritize my gym gainz and my quality of sleep. I'm also on gear so I'd rather not waste my money on booze.

5y ago  The Hub

You don't worry whether she cheats on you or not, but she should worry whether you cheat on her or not.

5y ago  The Hub

One way to get over your oneitis is to think back of all the shitty things she has done to you, and all the red flags that you missed, either intentionally or due to inexperience.

5y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 That's one fucked up crazy.

5y ago  The Hub

@TheStoicCrane I'd like to see another fighter ground and pound her face in, see who's the bitch, lol

5y ago  The Hub

@crypton808 Just quarantined, you can still access it via PC.

5y ago  The Hub

@winninglosing Weather is nicer in the west coast. Jobs are more plentiful in Toronto. Maritime sucks both in weather and job prospect. Prairies are good if you like cowboys and mosquitos. Northern Canada if you want to be cold 3/4 of the year.

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