6y ago  The Hub

"I am a strong woman cause I survived the cock carousel."

6y ago  The Hub

When I am thirsty I just get some women wet.

6y ago  The Hub

I like a girl that tries hard to avoid getting pumped and dumped cause I know she knows I dont give commitment. She knows its more inevitable than Agent Smith fighting a losing battle.

6y ago  The Hub

BP:When you are waiting for someone to tell you how to think and what to believe while they repay you with stability, a job, a house and a wife to fuck. Sounds alot like communism.

6y ago  The Hub

Father, I vanquished the beast that you brought upon me.

6y ago  The Hub

She says girlfriend,I say plate.

7y ago  The Hub

"When you are suffering that's when you're the most real."

7y ago  The Hub

"Nothing changes our behavior like pain."

7y ago  The Hub

@_reboot "Toxic" is a term that leftists use to describe a big bad unchangeable thing they can only hope to affect via nonsensical actions. Its not The Red Pill thats "toxic" its anti-male sentiment thats "toxic", and curable.

7y ago  The Hub

You will come out to clear air. You've been sabotaged every step along the way. By your mother, by your beta father with his female mindset. Get them out of your life and become the great man that you want to be.

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