7y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- Bill Warner admits he isn't a historian, he isn't an expert and almost everything he says in the video is a lie or skewed. I only write this because TRP deserves better than to be swayed by anti-islamic christian propaganda. TRP's education standard is higher than this garbage propaganda video.

7y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- Obviously you missed the premise of his whole speech is the true nature of islam is (massive destruction) to offensively attack and invade others based on the actions of people who knew Muhammad (at 7:40). I disproved that using the actual example of the prophet and his successor. Also I have a degree in middle eastern history.

7y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- Here's a red pill for you. Neither the prophet or his true successor Ali invaded anyone. The Qu'ran states that there is no compulsion in religion (2:256.) The wars fought by Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman were similar to any other war, but the reason the wars were fought was not because of islam. Those figures are also usurpers.

7y ago  The Hub

@el_Technico hey look at that! a story that has nothing to do with the subject matter. If you want to discuss irrelevant details about make believe mohammed, go somewhere where they'll care: like a goat whorehouse. As it stands, Bill Warner (an actual expert on the matter) is still right. Don't waste our time with this again.

7y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- Not joking, and you're the one backwards rationalizing. The prophet Muhammad was forced to fight in defensive wars. The Meccans persecuted then tried to kill him and his followers. When the Meccans and their allies were defeated the other Arab tribes gradually decided to convert to islam of their own accord.

7y ago  The Hub

@el_Technico Hopefully you're joking. Otherwise I'd have to try and accept that the goafucker in chief mohammed decideds what is and is not an invasion. Only a moron would believe such a thing, unfortunately its what most of the Middle Eastern morons believe to backwards rationalize.

7y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- The lecturer doesn't have the religious knowledge or authority to make statements about the true nature of islam. 5 minutes in and I can dispel his argument by pointing out that the prophet Muhammad designated Ali ibn abi Taleb as his successor at Ghadr Khum, and he never invaded anyone.

7y ago  The Hub

@el_Technico I recommend eating a normal sized protein rich meal only once per day (preferably later in the day). Sounds crazy but the ancillary benefits are amazing. Check out the IRC channel for more info.

7y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- The reason I'm trying to not add a meal is because of time constraints, and I'm not hungry enough to warrant another meal. A protein drink is convenient and I don't have to stuff myself to get the protein I need.

7y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- Obviously, I could get enough protein from food. I've been trying to find a 100% clean protein drink and haven't been able to find one. I was hoping the community here would have a solution, but it appears either it doesn't exist or no one here knows of one. I'm going to make my own from natural ingredients or switch to food.

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