2y ago  The Hub

@redhawkes thanks, what is the topic I should focus on when handling these bullies and situations like the ones exposed (girls laughing, ghosting, being known in social circles as 'short dick ugly guy', etc)? shit-test? I've read illimitableman as well

2y ago  The Hub


Doesn’t matter. Still smashed.

Great way to think about it, will work on that mindset!

Only one way to find out if she will or not.

yeah BUT WHAT IF IT FUCKING HAPPENS? I just want to be prepared, to learn how to fucking react, is that handled as a shit test? with agre&amplify, etc? or what the hell can I fucking do? this shit literally is what holds me back and destroy every mother fucking second I am alive

2y ago  The Hub

@Initial-Glove WHAT? HELL NO! FUCK LOVE! I just want to be able to be Chad, basically my goal is: being the guy who other guys want to be and tons of girls want to fuck, have fun, status, social life, money, abundance and enjoy life a bit before fucking dying. The question is based on spinning plates / ONS and fuck buddies, at most an LTR (after 30 yo), I mean if all of them ghost me immediately and destroy my reputation in social circles I won't be able to sleep with more women from those circles, making this dynamic FUCKING HARD. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THAT SHIT.

2y ago  The Hub

@redhawkes trying to work on the frame to own and rock it. What is SGM? will read it like the Bible, been reading tons of amazing books from here, you guys are definitely changing my life for the better, I know asking for help here makes me seem like a beta pussy bitch but please remember where I come from (blue pill shit, nerd, incel, wretched life)

2y ago  The Hub

@Apollo yeah but what about her ghosting? or she talking trash to their friends (eg: that ugly short dick guy, blah, blah)? also, what if she laughs once she sees it and leaves?

2y ago  The Hub

@redhawkes I'm the short dick from yesterday, the thing is: my problem si genetics and predestination, his Idk just being stupid, I wish my problem was as easy as 'changing the mindset'. Any suggestions to overcome a genetical limitation?

2y ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed these things can be done even better by a guy who has 6" or more... and the pain would be stronger, etc. The thing is, how can I compete with them knowing that I will ALWAYS be one of the worst options they have??

2y ago  The Hub

@Mumisnotokay yeah that applies with unexperienced women, but as these will be difficult to target I have to take a chance with other women (probably experienced) so wish me luck lol

2y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV they have laughed at it because they just don't see anything on my pants, it's like I had a pussy in there, I'm a 'grower' so yeah I know what you mean, I've suffered bullying because of that fucking shit I born with, If I had to choose, I would prefer cancer than to have to live life with this mother fucker small dick

2y ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed have you been able to live well with an avg dick? I'm just 0.4" from avg (as avg is like 5.1" and I'm at 4.7" to be honest this has been like a death sentence, but I have been realizing lately that probably it's just mental), please tell me more about how did you do it, I would like to follow your example and have a different life, other than being in my fucking room all the day complaining with strangers on here

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