2y ago  The Hub

I am 29M 180 pounds, probably 14% bf @ 5ft 9in. I have been working out for 10 years. I have been fuckrounditis more or less for 6 of those years. I know I am shit. My lifts (maxes):

Bench 310 lbs Pull Up 67.5lbs Squat 315lbs OHP 175 lbs Dead 365lbs

My question is, what routine should I do? I know, I know. I am not an intermediate if I am asking this question. But anyways, my body is not nowhere as ripped as many guys in these forums or r/Fitness. I am natty af. I do not look as big as I would like too and my arms suck. I would like to increase muscle mass, I dont care much about strenght. However many routines that seem to be recommended are strenght-focused. I am aware you can increase your muscle mass by strenght rep ranges, but is it really efficient?

Probably this is not the right forum, but considering the fact that this is a forum for male improvement and physique is such an important part of our development. I would like to know what routine would you recommend? My lagging parts: Biceps, triceps, Shoulders, abs, forearms.

Thank you

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