4y ago  The Beer Hall

@Ketogainsmongoose what is it your dad said that got you out of your breakdown?

4y ago  Red Pill Me

@Osiris We aren’t ready for this antibiotic nuke of truth you’ve dropped on us, we will have to discover it on our own.

It may take years of peer pressure, bad life choices, and eventually moving to a commune, but we’ll get there

4y ago  The Beer Hall

@AFTSOV he reads Evola and zizek bro. He doesn’t need redpill tactics.

4y ago  The Beer Hall

@nah wahhh wahhhhh

4y ago  The Beer Hall

I’ll have a bud light (bottle)

4y ago  The Hub

@TitusTorquatus show us your cock, faggot

4y ago  The Hub


Caldero, what I like about you is that I can understand what you’re saying, because you’re from a third world country and your English is shit.

You can bridge the gap between GLOs litterate mind and the illiterate mind of us redpill betas.

4y ago  The Hub


Interesting tactic.

The same way feminists attempt to invalidate criticisms by calling them mysogynist, GLOs minions respond to criticisms by calling users, alts.

One thing GLOs minions are good at is drawing conclusions from small pieces of information/their opinion, what they call psychoanalyzing.

4y ago  The Hub

The only reason GLO was able to indoctrinate you retards, is because you are lost faggots that are so against being like the majority that you read difficult books because the majority is unable to.

You’re what you are because of what the manosphere is. You dependent faggots.

You’re a symptom.

4y ago  The Hub

As red pill “betas”, the best thing we can do to counteract GLO’s radicalism is continue to be the same and not allow him to indoctrinate.

Do not read Evola, do not read Zizek, do not question yourself, continue to read at an “eighth” grade level. Continue to to focus on “self improvement for the sake of pussy”.

Outpost his radicalism with red pill “betaness”.Most of the beginners and the majority of the manosphere do not even understand what he is saying most of the time and look at him as a nutcase. This is how we beat GLOs radicalism.

He is trying to take control of the reigns and steer the red pill towards what he considers to be redpill. We must not allow him to. We are the majority, he has a fan base of about 10 users that continue to spew shit that no one understands. Honor your red pull fathers and continue to follow in their steps.

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