4y ago  Red Pill Legal

My goal with this tribe is to help educate the layman on general legal theory and how it applies to the Red Pill Man in an increasingly feminized world. The focus will be on the contrast between theory and practice; i.e. what the law says vs. how it is actually applied. Weekly topics will initially be chosen by me, but my hope is to choose from requests/questions submitted by members. If you have any expertise in the legal realm and would like to help moderate please shoot me a PM.

4y ago  TheRedPill

@dropkickPUA I am similar in that I do not believe I feel strongly about things. I attribute this to being stoic. However, do I really not feel strongly about things or is it some form of blue pill conditioning telling me to keep quiet, keep working, and everything will turn out just fine?

4y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

Haven't missed a day yet on Nsuns 5-3-1. Need to add some intelectual activity to balance out the physical. I'm fairly constant in my TRP theory reading so I plan on adding daily updates on the law (I'm an attorney by trade.)

4y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

Started nsuns 5-3-1, 5 day/week routine. Days off will be light cardio.

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