5y ago  The Hub

@DennyHardy Fair enough,thanks man.

5y ago  The Hub

@Noblefiz Yeah i dont want to cheat though, personal morals.

5y ago  The Hub

@jwayne Usually thursday (sometimes) and either fri/sat ya'

5y ago  The Hub

How often should I see LTR? We don't text (except logistics) and we are currently seeing each other 1.5x / week. Seems kinda pointless to me to be exclusive with someone if I rarely see them. How should I bring this up to her without seeming needy? Suggestions? thanks

5y ago  The Hub

@SeasonedRP Yeah she has lots of close female friends too. I'll have to get a sense for it. First girl ive actually liked in a long time which is nice

5y ago  The Hub

@SeasonedRP Yeah I agree its too soon. Im guessing shed hold off on the semester abroad. You think the guy best friend is dealbreaker - probably fair. However, to what extent do you think potential LTRs can be friends with guys, if any?

5y ago  The Hub

@Noblefiz Very true, what do I tell her regarding her close, male friend?

5y ago  The Hub

@TwoInchesOfShaft Thanks thats what I am thinking of.

5y ago  The Hub

...long time guy friend. Don't know many details. 2) She wants to go on an exchange in ~6 months. Assuming she asks to go official, what should I say (should i just keep as plate), and assuming i say we can be exclusive? Ill obvs tell her that I don't do long didstance. However, IDK what to do about the male friend? Too big a red flag?

5y ago  The Hub

...and relationships. Doesnt require much attenetion. Didn't put out till 3rd date (which is rare af). Seems like a good girl from a good family. Anyways im guessing shes gonna ask to go official in next few dates, which I am considering. I just want a gf for a while. There are however, two red flags. 1) Her best friend is a guy...

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