5y ago  The Hub

@DennyHardy gonna order that now

5y ago  The Hub

@TheViolat0r If you want to get good and pissed off, "The Feminist Lie" by Bob Lewis will get the job done. It's a quick read too. I read Rational Male a number of years ago and continually gift it to young men. Currently waiting on my book of pook in the mail. Good times, haha

5y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 I'm actually curious to hear about your exploits as far as small town game goes. Mostly because every small town in the midwest has it's own uniqueness and character to them. The greater the distance the more different they are I'm originally from way up north where we have tourists year round, so the game changes constantly

5y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 https://trp.red/t/1ze this link is probably why we're not speaking the same language. I regard any of the "pills" completely separate from game

5y ago  The Hub

@Gaboyski hypergamy is simply a sexual strategy. A woman regardless of upbringing is going to always look for the best they can get at that moment. Alpha seed and Beta need. The only difference I see between conservative and feminist women is how overt or covert their actions or voices are

5y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 hypergamy is universal. Red pill is the awareness; game is the application. You even mentioning purple pill prevents me from taking you seriously

5y ago  The Hub

well.. I up and did it finally. My first blog post https://trp.red/t/1za

5y ago  The Hub

@DennyHardy I appreciate that bro. Hopefully one day I'll be able to pass it all forward to another man in search like me.

5y ago  The Hub

@Noblefiz You'll get there, brother. The fact that you're here asking for advice and applying it should be proof to yourself that you're willing to grow. Unplugging takes time and we're here for you

5y ago  The Hub

@DennyHardy yeah. I'm realizing how purple pill I actually am. Trying to process these emotions is challenging

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