5y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil - My enemy's enemy is my friend? Isn't the answer to censorship already in P2P hosting? Current behaviour is driving traffic that way.

5y ago  The Hub

Really need something like the endorsed contributor.

5y ago  The Hub

@ReallyGrounded This. 95% is just turning up. Honestly, a better diet, a month spent working out and living better puts you looking and feeling back into the top half of the league. The joke is how little effort you really need to start making it.Consistency is far more important. Of course, if you keep at it, the sky is the limit.

5y ago  The Hub

@GayCuck you are a demographic being used by the people who back both Clinton and Trump. The staged 2 horse race is not even a democracy. It

5y ago  The Hub

@GayCuck trouble with that opinion is that it tells me that it

5y ago  The Hub

@GayCuck so it IS true that Americans have been fooled into thinking that their democracy give them only 2 options?

5y ago  The Hub

@KnowledgeSlayer - put it this way- nobody is respecting you at all right now- not even you.

5y ago  The Hub

@KnowledgeSlayer I thought you were tired of her shit? Take the fucking phone, throw it out of the door. Lock it behind her when she goes to get it. Laugh, get dressed up, walk out, past her, don't look back and go do something better.

5y ago  The Hub
5y ago  The Hub

Masters demand that their slaves be compliant and 'nice' to them. That is why the 'nice guy' is so full of self-hatred underneath. Lack of courage forces him into compliance instead of conflict. Master types teat other master types with respect- after shit testing of course. Perhaps not friendship but certainly respect.

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