2y ago  Red Pill Parenting


First of all, sorry to hear the horrible news. I wish you well.

The ugly truth is that there are few "answers" in the world that apply to all men. Men are NOT all created equal, and most men know this. Yes, we should all enjoy equal rights and human dignity, but we are all different.

One of the big challenges of life is to overcome the sorts of feelings you are having. Once you recognize them as the biological chemicals they are, and not some mystical or emotional forces, you are half way there.

The desire to pair bond? Chemicals. The desire for children? Chemicals. The desire for comfort, stress relief, relaxation, fun, etc? Biology.

Everything we do, think, and feel has a Bio-Socio-Psychological component. EVERYTHING. Once you get how this works, you begin to understand why drugs (legal and not) work so well. They simply take care of the biological side of things. So always start with biological issues FIRST:

  • Eat well
  • Sleep well
  • Hydrate
  • Exercise

Many religions, sports, martial arts, yoga, and other similar systems are focused on exactly these issues. They all work differently for different men. So find one that works for you. But keep in mind that you do NOT NEED a system. You can do this on your own.

Your challenge is to MASTER your biology. When you want to use the toilet, use it. There is no reason nor need to hold that back. But when you crave an orgasm, you SHOULD learn how to control that urge. Change your environment, go for a run, think about something else, get up and do some work. It works remarkably well in the short run. When it gets too much, rub one out. Make note of the time between fap sessions and try to make them longer.

Your mind is going to fuck with you - make you put meaning and feelings onto a woman who may or may not be good for you. You will project like a motherfucker, in an effort to rationalize why she would make a good wife and mother. Again, this is your biology messing with you. Resist it.

Once you learn to master your own body and brain, then you can start making clear decisions. But you will never be truly free from the grasp of evolution and your own humanity. It calls out to me every day in large and small ways. It's like It WANTS me to be fucked up for some reason!

When they say "relationships are hard work" remember that the hard work is in YOUR head, not working on your woman. Work on YOURSELF.

I will stop there. If you can grasp and master just this bit I have given you, you will have come a long way my friend. And from there you will gain clarity of purpose - at least you will find it easier to gain clarity.

Good luck.

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2y ago  Red Pill Parenting

I’d like to get some input from the red pill parents on here. I’ll try to make this as brief as possible.

Long story short, I come from a very small family. My father is a really bad guy to say the least and he’s out of the picture, my older brother who I was very close with is a drug addict now and has completely lost himself, and my mom was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. Both my stepfather and mother are elderly. It won’t be long before it’s just me. I’m a guy who’s always valued family and the idea of being completely alone in this world just doesn’t sit well with me. I could do it but I just don’t think it would be a very happy life.

I’m 34 years old, making good money, and I moved from the United States to Croatia so I could travel the world. I’m definitely in a good position right now.

I’ve always said that I would never get married or have children but at this point in my life I really would like to start a family of my own. I think I would probably be a lot better off if I didn’t give a fuck about any of that but unfortunately I do. Maybe I just have unrealistic expectations. What advice would you give to a guy like me?

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3y ago  Red Pill Parenting

@jpwilk The way LA teachers are dragging their feet about reopening while externalizing the blame has gotten quite exasperating. All of us essential workers who never stopped working throughout the pandemic would like to see them STFU and get their classrooms reopened, or get fired and bring in people who WILL.

1 250 fcks
3y ago  Red Pill Parenting
3y ago  Red Pill Parenting


Song of the year vs which literature gets canceled. Our society genuinely wants parents to fail.

3y ago  Red Pill Parenting

@MentORPHEUS Baloney. You get anything you tolerate. This is the problem with tolerance. It always leads to the lowest common denominator.

3y ago  Red Pill Parenting

@jpwilk I've personally observed enough individuals from back when gayness was very stigmatized and actively oppressed, IOW before there was any "cool" factor to it, who very obviously identified as the opposite gender from a young age without any outside influence or pressure, and in adulthood were happy living as that.

Getting past the era of the open, active oppression of these individuals meant a period of overcorrection and glorification. Those who dislike gayness see it as a rising trend taking over and destroying societies. In my opinion, America has passed a point I call Peak Faggot and is settling down to a long term equilibrium where gayness has neither shock nor edification value, and settles to a quiet single digit percentage of the population.

Right now in time, we're still in the death throes of a period where merely claiming to come out as gay or bi confers inflated status and sense of belonging in people who lack both of these, and also notably, that life-long history of consistently behaving as if they were born in the opposite gender body.

Like the "gateway effect" of drugs which actually becomes stronger the more they are legally and socially forbidden, the perverse incentives that lead to late teens suddenly declaring they're transgender and malevolent parents enacting Munchausen-by-proxy thus pushing their young impressionable children into it for celebrity status and the oppression olympics handicap point boost.

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3y ago  Red Pill Parenting

@MentORPHEUS There is no running away from yourself. Transgenderism is just a perverted version of The Benedict Option. Whatever you are running from, it's still right there in the mirror.

3y ago  Red Pill Parenting

@MentORPHEUS petitioning your local lawmakers would be a start. I look at it like you would if a girl accused a guy of rape ... Was her first thought to report it to the police, or on social media?

3y ago  Red Pill Parenting

American Journal of Psychiatry publishes major correction to a study of outcomes of "gender-affirming" surgeries. New statistical analysis shows no improvement in reduction of mental health treatment after such surgeries.

The corrected analysis addressed gaps in the original study's research subjects, particularly those the study lost contact with. Once data about the "missing" participants was plugged in, including completed suicides, the conclusion was corrected on record to show that gender-affirming surgeries and treatments offered no public health benefit overall, and resulted in worse outcomes than those who did not get permanently changed by surgery or horomone treatments.


Source (paywall) Note toggle between original and corrected article near top.

Correction: Transgender Surgery Provides No Mental Health Benefit
The American Journal of Psychiatry has issued a major correction to a recent study. The Bränström study reanalysis demonstrated that neither “gender-affirming hormone treatment” nor “gender-affirming surgery” reduced the need of transgender-identifying people for mental health services. Fad medicine | Public Discourse
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