Day 11 - 13 - Invest Time Reading
Published 03/24/17 by BecomeAMan [0 Comments]

You should be able to finish the manipulated man before continuing our path on Become A Man.

This book is critical groundwork for future reading we will be doing.

Make sure to keep going with your training regimens that you began earlier.

Day 10 - Start sprint training
Published 03/24/17 by BecomeAMan [0 Comments]

It's the toughest type of training you'll ever do, but it only takes about 30 minutes to complete.

I recommend:

How you know you're doing it right:

Don't give up, this type of training is very very hard to continue with, but if you can endure 3 months of it, your body will change in ways you never thought possible. I can't stress how difficult it is to continue this type of training, so remember to stay on top of it.

To do what other men can't, you have to do what other men won't.

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