Modern life is a shit test
Published 10/19/18 by NormalAndy [1 Comments]

A good article here which illustrates the starting point nicely:

I’ve read a few posts on enjoying the decline recently. It led me to thinking about my Bluepill days while taking a shit this morning and I reflected that my Redpill attitude although 180, still holds the same initial beliefs. I saw the corruption in the world, I saw the way that laws were used to marginalise and destroy alternative cultures. I still see it.

My answer back then was to ‘burn fire!’ and consume my meaningless self in the process

I wanted nothing more than to destroy. I would burn whatever I could find down to the ground and leave a trail of destruction behind me. Pretty nasty guy really but wasn't that the idea? A stinking fist in a pin stripe glove: I was dressed up in a nice guy suit and got through the interviews and dates because nobody really knew shit about computers OR the blue pill back in the nineties. Baudrillard? The Matrix?. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king- and I was that man! Proud to be half a person and going down the pan as fast as I could!

There was a delicious irony to it: Building virtual operations and then burning down the real corporations around them- what a dream! I relished taking myself out in the process too- a Godless martyr, the AntiChrist! That was all ok by me. In the end, the idea of a software developer is to make the computer do all the work and then leave a big hole in the real world where the work and workers used to be- including me. And how I took myself out too! That was the best bit: Sex, drugs and rock & roll! Not that it lasted much longer than a decade as I angrily burned myself out in the London blast furnace. I wasn’t really enjoying the decline but I was having a few very bright moments.

And what was left? A CV in tatters, a couple of stab wounds, a drink problem and a pile of cash, which took me to Bangkok and fuelled another 5 years of pure abuse. Oh yeah baby!

Naturally I ended up with nothing- nothing but the anger which had started it all in the first place. Nothing had changed, the corporations were still in control, even more in control to be fair, the laws were even more oppressive. The 1991 Criminal Justice Act which started it all for me was a picnic by comparison. My destructive intentions had only served to destroy myself.

What’s more, the Curse Of Time magazine had come true again. The effective internet activism, against the black tide of Corporatism and the corruption of the State, which put us on the cover of the 2008 edition! It turned out to be, as predicted, the gateway to another premeditated market crash and 10 years of forced oppression in the name of austerity. I understand that the people who control all the money in the world cause economic shocks like these to humble the population and achieve their social goals. Look at how they have now simply bought the social media giants and continued with the process of marginalising diverse opinion in the name of free speech. Once again, we the people are on the back foot.

Time to take the pill and fast forward.

Working on something meaningful would seem to be the answer to our problems but how do we find meaning as a meaningless person in a meaningless life purposefully crafted to push and keep your worthless self down and occupied?

Well, you push back! If they don't kill you, tough situations create strong men and strong men are not worthless. We talk about putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations if we want to be able to deal with real shit. Well now you know the shit you have to deal with is being sold to you as food! This shit runs deep! This shit is not going away- it’s all around us and it’s going to keep on putting you through the shit grinder until you find the strength of character to blow the mother fucker off by doing something more wholesome in a sustainable way. Build good habits, break bad ones- ruthlessly!

This corporate life is a shit test: If you choose to become a corporate whore then you are lost. But perhaps we can do the same with these shmucks as we do with women? Simply act the part while becoming better than they are. Corporations are horrible cancers who move so slowly and leave deserts behind them- you can run rings around them if you are nimble enough, smart enough, fit enough, strong enough. One day we may even defeat them if our own numbers cause a creative tipping point. It's not unthinkable...

Still back to blue pill land: currently, corporate work is one of the few ways you can earn enough money to buy your freedom from the machine. If you must, work hard in their concentration camp of meaninglessness which they have created for you. Take the crumbs from their table and use them to build yourself up. Let others destroy themselves along the way, there is nothing you can do but ‘manage’ this decline. The best things in life are free- much of the rest is decidely cheap. It's all there for you if you have the discipline to keep taking it.

Perhaps I should say ‘enjoy’ rather than manage the decline? It’s all sidebar stuff. First see the decline, then come to accept it, then move on to welcoming it. It’s the route to freedom. Keep checking the sidebar. It's valuable.

The way out of the concentration camp. It is the way up and out over the fence- not standing on the shoulders of corporate giants but really on the massed pile of skinny-fat bodies that make up the blue pilled living dead- those who have accepted the sentence of corporate ‘life’.

You have to be strong to accept that as a fact- let alone make it work and leave them behind. Still, this is your bigtime shit test- have you got what it takes to REALLY not give a fuck as you watch those who you care for chew themselves and others to death in fits of hatred? Can you really hold frame in such circumstances? You can if you build it- sidebar, sidebar, sidebar.

The red pill only opens your eyes to the fact that this real horror exists and shows you a map towards the exit. It is not an answer- but YOU are. The answer lies within yourself, it always did and this is where you must relentlessly keep pushing into to keep exploring the limits of your own humanity. Push past the anger, struggle past the acceptance and power through to the joy of knowing that you, as a man, can continually pick yourself up, fight hardest and never give up- equal to any other when the chips are down.

It is impossible to defeat such a fellow and there you shall remain- comfortable in the knowledge that whatever ghostly tensions are thrown at you, they are really nothing but tests designed to distract you from your mission of remaining as the champion you have always been. Champions need testing to prove they are champions- learn to love it.

(Oh- have a great weekend. Don't get too pissed :-)

?Word of the week: Sublimation.
Published 10/05/18 by NormalAndy [0 Comments]


verb (used with object), sublimated, sublimating.

Psychology: to divert the energy of (a sexual or other biological impulse) from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.

Chemistry: to sublime (a solid substance); extract by this process. To refine or purify (a substance). To make nobler or purer:

Congratulations to ‘sublimation’ on becoming this week’s winning word.

I spend between 30 minutes and an hour during the mornings in a meditative cleaning state. Up until now this has involved sitting and being with energy- thoughts and feelings, negative and positive. All feelings are physical and have their own physical form. Thoughts connect into feelings, but they exist in a space in and outside of the body – in the present moment while I observe and allow.

Training in breathing, intention and awareness has stopped me adding energy to these objects with attention. Instead allowing them to change freely into energies which take other forms in awareness. Sublimation as a form of judo. Energies change and begin to pulse or dance around my body instead of sitting there as a solid lump; other energies begin to ebb and flow with the breath while at other times I get a powerful crackling sensation exploding around my body. (If nothing else, it’s a pretty fucking mad experience!)

The take home is that by allowing energies to exist instead of feeding them, they convert themselves into other often more useful forms which can be either accepted or used.

Pertinent applications include: holding frame during a shit test instead of responding- the energy turns and the aggressor is pacified; Abstaining from sexual activity in monk mode, the powerful sexual energies in the forms of thoughts and feelings, once accepted, are sublimated into more useful forms.

Best example this week was the #quarantine debacle. It’s interesting to note how the energy from this silly shit test is turning back on the administration. They have now started to acknowledge their poor judgement as well as tacitly showing their actions to have been in bad faith.

By holding frame though this shit test instead of reacting to the energy, the perceived negativity has started to sublimate into something positive for the TRP cause- rather than remaining as the intended cancer. We are watching the tide turn.

Congratulations on holding frame. Don’t concentrate on the problem, allow it to be while you focus on that which gives you more instead. It’s actions may surprise you.

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