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?Word of the week: Sublimation.
Published 10/05/18 by NormalAndy [0 Comments]


verb (used with object), sublimated, sublimating.

Psychology: to divert the energy of (a sexual or other biological impulse) from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.

Chemistry: to sublime (a solid substance); extract by this process. To refine or purify (a substance). To make nobler or purer:

Congratulations to ‘sublimation’ on becoming this week’s winning word.

I spend between 30 minutes and an hour during the mornings in a meditative cleaning state. Up until now this has involved sitting and being with energy- thoughts and feelings, negative and positive. All feelings are physical and have their own physical form. Thoughts connect into feelings, but they exist in a space in and outside of the body – in the present moment while I observe and allow.

Training in breathing, intention and awareness has stopped me adding energy to these objects with attention. Instead allowing them to change freely into energies which take other forms in awareness. Sublimation as a form of judo. Energies change and begin to pulse or dance around my body instead of sitting there as a solid lump; other energies begin to ebb and flow with the breath while at other times I get a powerful crackling sensation exploding around my body. (If nothing else, it’s a pretty fucking mad experience!)

The take home is that by allowing energies to exist instead of feeding them, they convert themselves into other often more useful forms which can be either accepted or used.

Pertinent applications include: holding frame during a shit test instead of responding- the energy turns and the aggressor is pacified; Abstaining from sexual activity in monk mode, the powerful sexual energies in the forms of thoughts and feelings, once accepted, are sublimated into more useful forms.

Best example this week was the #quarantine debacle. It’s interesting to note how the energy from this silly shit test is turning back on the administration. They have now started to acknowledge their poor judgement as well as tacitly showing their actions to have been in bad faith.

By holding frame though this shit test instead of reacting to the energy, the perceived negativity has started to sublimate into something positive for the TRP cause- rather than remaining as the intended cancer. We are watching the tide turn.

Congratulations on holding frame. Don’t concentrate on the problem, allow it to be while you focus on that which gives you more instead. It’s actions may surprise you.

Tip NormalAndy for their post.
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