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I am Obsessed
Published 01/19/17 by TomFoo [0 Comments]

There's no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that is that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.Conor McGregor

Until recently I thought I suffered from depression. Perhaps that explains all my failures: why it took me 8 years to finish college, why I failed at multiple careers, why my ex-wife left me, why I still live with roommates in my mid-30s.

Fuck that. Depression? It's gone. It no longer exists in my world. I'm just not consumed enough with my own mental health and self-improvement. The desire is not there, not fully. I'm not obsessed.

I'm building my own business, or so I say. And yet often I procrastinate tackling important tasks to grow my biz. I'd rather sleep a little more, go out for drinks, waste time on Youtube or Tantan (asian version of Tinder) or just space out. I'm not obsessed.

What am I willing to sacrifice to reach my goals? Chasing pussy? Most of my friends? Alcohol? Following my sports teams? Plans on adopting a dog or two? If I am having a hard time letting these go, then I'm not obsessed.

McGregor, like all self-made men, practice an unconscious self-value. Why do they work so obsessively? Because they are worth it. It's not even a fucking question to them.

Honestly I have not tried hard enough in my entire life because I never saw myself being worth the struggle. I just cried and whined in my half-assed hardships, like everyone else. I have not been my own mental point of origin.

Maybe McGregor's quote can be discounted because of survivorship bias. "Mistaking confidence for competence" is already a huge mistake I made in one failed career. But I'm running out of time. If I can't change now, it will never happen.

I am obssessed, because I have to.

This is Not Self Help
Published 08/02/16 by TomFoo [0 Comments]

Summary: TRP is masculine sexual strategy, not self help. You may not be much more than your sex drive.

I shake my head whenever someone says TRP is self actualization / self improvement / self development / self realization / self help / self molestation / self defecation / self whatevs.

More than not, whoever is saying this sort of stuff aims to water-down TRP to fit into mainstream (therefore, feminine) views. "If TRP is self help, how can it be bad?"

Fuck that. Be willing to be bad. Entertain unpopular views in your head. Start with "TRP is masculine sexual strategy."

But I can already hear the shitbirds chirping: Why does it have to be sexual? Isn't that pussy worship? Can't I just improve for the sake of it, just for myself?

While reading The Rational Male, this caught my attention:

A healthy male produces between 12 to 17 times the amount of testosterone a woman does. It is a biological impossibility for a woman to want sex as much as, or as often as men. Trust me, when a woman says, “I don’t understand why sex is so important to guys” she’s speaking the literal truth. No woman will ever experience 17 times the amount of her own testosterone levels (barring steroids). Amongst its many other effects, testosterone is the primary hormone involved with stimulating human libido. I should also add that, on average, and barring environmental variables, a mans testosterone only declines 1% per year beyond age 40, so even at age 60 the average, healthy male is only dealing with an average 20% deficit in testosterone.

In other words, an insanely high sex drive is what evolutionary biology, over millions of years, has hardwired into you. When someone calls you a dick, it's not a great overstatement. Improving yourself just for the sake of it, just for yourself may be complete bullshit because as a healthy man you may not be much more than your own sex drive. I'm sorry, you're not a special snowflake who's born on this earth to do great things. You're just frank and beans.

You want sex, you need sex, a lot of it, with young, fit women, lots of them. I don't know about you, but I have no problem following a masculine sexual strategy that will help me get this, not some self help.

It's not pussy worship, it's pussy magnetism. Be a social and swole alpha who lives a fucking interesting, independent life. Increase your sexual market value, then the panties will drop on their own. This is what TRP stands for.

And trust me son, panties don't drop for a nice guy. So be willing to be bad.

Lesson Learned: Everything popular is wrong.

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