7y ago  The Hub

started Mozilla browser, was presented with an anti-trolling message and a feminist quote, "

7y ago  The Hub

the alpha, beta, women triad reminds me of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. drivers are accountable in all situations, cyclists white knight, and pedestrians are suicidal retards looking for the fastest ride. when you ask them to drive, they gtfo. always looking out the window for a better ride. traffic is the universal metaphor.

7y ago  The Hub

women do not have philosophy, only politics.

7y ago  The Hub

when you control for physical size, strength, intelligence, culture, wisdom, skill, and then fertility, I guess you could say that men and women were equals.

7y ago  The Hub

tl;dr so few women in leadership roles because women more likely to burn bridges with allies who would put them there. still tl;dr: because bitches.

7y ago  The Hub

elephant in equality in boardrooms is that to achieve power, you need a group of loyal supporters and allies. Women can be appointed by external parties, but a bias towards situational hypergamy means they are less likely to build and maintain the same quality relationships that would secure strategic long arc promotions.

7y ago  The Hub

looking back on music and culture, aren't "alt," "alternative," and "indie" just euphemisms for white upper middle class? It was all just counter signalling, because if you weren't going to land on your feet, you couldn't afford to be such a fey git.

7y ago  The Hub

if you want someone to hate you, reveal power you had kept secret. it's like slow rolling your cards. dogs freak out if they can't see where you are holding their leash. "alpha"-ness is signalling the power you have, like the abundance to walk away. hiding power is manipulative, sometimes necessary. learn rules before breaking them.

7y ago  The Hub

the basic misapprehension most guys have is that other people, (men and women) make decisions using reason and logic. few people are exceptionally stupid, but they will all make it about them. However someone behaves, it's only ever about power. Upset? power. Flirty? power. Indecisive? power. Sucking up? power.

7y ago  The Hub

Type A vs. Alpha is when beta personalities play off each other and don't relax and accept your leadership. You can be patient and outcome independent, but the most alpha does not mean the alpha. I'm usually the most naturally charismatic guy in a room, but unless you are the situational authority, you are not the situational alpha.

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