4y ago  The Hub

@destraht street violence isn't common. You will surely get in trouble if you actively search for it though, since people don't think twice about getting in a fight. Nothing that you wouldn't see in any other place really.

Our major problem here is that we are defenseless. We have terms for different kind of people that steal (usually very agressively) in the streets. "Pungas" for the ones that steal on motorbike, usually armed, violent, drugged. In my town of 90k people, you find out about someone you know getting mugged every week, go figure. "Mecheras" for low class women that "attack you" in the numbers (yes, really) and steal your wallet, cellphone, bags, whatever. Mostly in populated places (capitals and big cities). Not violent but you can't do anything, specially because "oh violence against poor AND women beings" and you are too busy being disgusted at the fact that 4 fat, sweaty and filthy women are touching you all over.

You can't do shit about it because carrying weapons is illegal, and even if you defend yourself with a knife or a brick you found on the street, you can get in trouble because: you excerted more violence than that of the attacker (yes, really. If someone attacks you with a knife and you ventilate him with a .22 in defense, you are fucked because you used OVERWHELMING defense). It's retarded. Even if in your own home. There's a classic argentine, funny video here of an old man saying what you should do if you kill a violent thief on your property, since it's so fucking true.

If you defend yourself (kill the agressor, hit them and send them to hospital, etc) and news media reports any case, you can be seriously fucked, because they give every information possible about you and these sub-humans families (which are VERY numerous) will go to your house and fuck you up. While not common, it happened enough that it became a meme.

Petty theft as in without violence happens a lot too. It's common here for people to remind you not to leave your cellphone on a table when dining, to go with your bags in front of you in public transport, things like that. It's not that the every person next to you will try to steal from you, but there's no control over the ones that do. In concerts for example, it's common for people to not go with cellphones or wallets or anything that isn't clothes and money stuck in your girl's tits, otherwise they grab you from behind and steal from you.

Jealousy is very common. Well not jealousy, but resentment, which is even worse. And low class people resent the middle class in particular, even though the middle class have been the more opressed group throughout our history and the ones that have been suffering for everything. Very rich people don't give a fuck. Mostly they live in another world. Poor people are glorified here (as in, they have their own day, "dia de la cultura villera", which would be akin to the black culture of USA but 10 times worse).

There's some good people here. In fact, good people here are REALLY good people, good enough to help you no matter the cost. There's something called "viveza criolla" here, which basically means taking advantage of others if the opportunity presents itself, so as you can see, if your culture even has a fucking name for it, it's not very pretty. But good people are really good people, and we protect each other no matter what. They are very few though.

And if you are not from latin america, everyone will try to get advantage from your dumbness. People here are useless, but when it comes to fucking over other people, they are experts at that.

And for the catholic control, it's not something really noticeable here. Resentful atheists, retarded "progres" (liberals) will try to convince you that poor people ARE DOMINATED by the church, that the middle class are zealots bla bla bla. And because the pope is argentine (even though he is a filthy communist and a sad excuse for a human being), apparently we are subjugated by the church and laws are dictated by the church. Even though no one gives a fuck about it and the people that are truly catholic are a minority. People in general. particularly away from Buenos Aires, just have traditional values, even if they don't care at all about the church. Catholic festivities are celebrated still and are common.

Politicians are the most corrupt people here though. Their corruption is exemplary. To give you an idea, the PRESIDENT Carlos Menem, was found guilty of traficking weapons to Ecuador (Ecuador was in war with Peru at that time, and peruvians, which are the ones closer to being our brothers, helped us in the Falklands war. Real, glorious dick move). Then, to cover the ALREADY FOUND evidence, he blew up a town where all the weapons cache, factories and evidence was, killing 8 people. There is proof of all that, PROOF. Yet today, he is a senator of the country. Examples are infinite, but that's just the most noticeable of all.


And that's just scratching the surface. You don't even wanna know the shit the new government already did in it's first fucking week of power, and the amount of demented shit they have planned for us. And all we can do is lub our asses so it doesn't bleed when they fuck us real hard. People are asleep, they don't want to do anything about it. I hope in the upcoming weeks shit changes, because this country would be fucking great if it weren't for the subhumans that plague us.

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4y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil of course, that's something that is known. Anyone with half a brain cell will get rid of pesos if possible. So everyone makes anything possible to get dollars.

Problem is, now you can't buy more than 200 US a month, and in the coming times it will be none at all lik it used to be 5 years ago, where you had to go illegal to buy dollars at an inflated prices.

"Oh, but I already have dollars". Except that, by recent law, EVERY dollar that enters the country by ANY means, will get automatically "pesified". The agriculture sector, which is our main source of income, got specially fucked because of this.

You have dollars in a Swiss bank? Get fucked, as soon as you try to get them in, the bank gets them all and gives you pesos instead.

Only way to circumvent this, is having an account in other country, go there and get the dollars, and PHYSICALLY bring them here, which is a pain in the ass.

Now, you could be rich as fuck for all I know and those problems don't bother you (to the average people here, whose salaries average at 10000 dollars a year more or less, it does).

And even if you had money problems solved, there are still hundreds of problems in this depressing excuse for a country, which are not to be overlooked and are of serious concern. If you want I'll list them for you and we can talk more about this place if you want, society, culture, whatever.

I don't know you at all, but there are plenty of other places to live at peace if you want to. Living here is one of the most retarded things you could ever do. But then again, I don't know you nor your plans nor your situation, and you know what would be better for you.

I'm just "warning" you about all the shit that is going on here. Ignore me if you want, after all, you don't know who am I.

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4y ago  The Hub

@destraht what?

4y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil Argentina is one of the shittiest countries to live in lmao. Everyone who wants to have a chance at a decent life is working hard to get out of this hole. The situation here is terrible.

4y ago  The Hub

@destraht if you wanna talk about Argentina let me know, I'm from there.

4y ago  The Hub

@AdeHMar Reddit assigns quarantined, removed, deleted, banned etc content a nofollow attribute, so search engines won't index it and offer it in search results. Simple to program, common internet practice; no great mystery here.

4y ago  The Hub

@replacemenwithalphas00 I think that's subjective. What would you call a 10, objectively? That would be the level of supermodels. And yet, I find most of them disgusting.

Nah, to me, girls fall in two categories: I'd fuck her, or I wouldn't. THEN I consider how pretty they are.

I've seen some girls that I consider a flat out 10 no question, but to other people they might be a 7 at most.

So basically, 10 exists only in your mind. A 10 objectively is a super model, actress, etc (supposedly), yet most men I know would rather fuck the pretty, pale, shy brunnete from class than Jennifer Lawrence.

4y ago  The Hub

Hello, I've been lurking trp reddit since it had ~15k subscribers.

This site is looking good, great job.

I'm from Argentina so my english might not be the best, correct me if something's wrong.

Anyway, hope I can keep learning and maybe contribute something to the community. Cheers!

4y ago  Books

Did anyone here read "Diary of a seducer" by Kierkegaard?

It amazes me how a lot of things that still apply in this day and age, where exactly the same when it came to seducing women, even two hundred years ago and the differences between our societies.

I could make a very short summary about the most relevant phrases, see if it catches your interest.

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