8y ago  The Hub

@CalamariRP Don't tempt me.

8y ago  The Hub

Hahahaha https://trp.red/t/48 You're a fucking martyr now boss. AWALT ACKBAR!

8y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil RedTaboo bans a RP member on Reddit for being RP. The irony is delicious.

The_Donald will be banned, make no mistake about it. SRS has LEDDIT's balls in a vice like grip because "MUH ADVERTISEMENTS".

8y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool Abbreviation for lol that sprawled over from the game WoW (never played it but it catches on quick) and also a reference to an ancient Egyptian god known as Kuk, but referred to as Kek who represents the primordial concept of darkness. Seen as the 'bringer in of light'. TRP is a bringer of light and also a lot of laughs.

8y ago  The Hub

@AllHailKek What does 'kek' mean?

8y ago  The Hub

Post-wall retired pop star's kids get teased in school, calling their mum the '4X4 mum' after she has four kids to four different dads. Luggenpresse conveniently ignores the common denominator in this situation is her. One source here - https://trp.red/t/42

P.S '4X4 mum' is fucking hilarious kek.

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