I'm the head moderator of /r/TheRedPill and one of the admin on TRP.RED. Have a question? Reach out to me. I'm Redpillschool#5330 on Discord.
"Open your eyes"
Relationship Philosophy:
Red Pill Philosophy a la /r/theredpill
About 10-12 years ago, I actually wanted a Tesla. I liked the idea of not spending so much on gas, and I also liked how much of the space that would have been taken up by the engine, fuel tank, etc in a regular car was instead taken up by steel reinforcements.
Then Atlanta had a freak ice storm (hardly ever happens there), which hit during rush hour gridlock. Lots of commuters' cars were frozen to the interstates.
The poor saps who had Teslas ran out of power within an hour or two and were tapping on strangers' windows to ask to come in and warm up.
Right away I decided "fuck that!".
I looked further in to how long their charges last, and it's garbage. How long it takes to recharge is even worse.
What trips I could do in 8 hours and a full tank of gas in a regular car, would require an overnight stop and recharge in a Tesla. Whatever I "saved" on gas would be spent and then some on recharging fees and a goddamn hotel room!
And idiots all over the country, but especially in California and the federal government, have been pushing to replace all regular vehicles with EVs.
I hope the would-be evacuees who couldn't leave LA serve as a lesson to everyone about how much EVs actually suck.
Read MoreAnd this is why I'm never getting an electric vehicle. No electricity no car.
On a gas car i can bring in gas from wherever.
@redpillschool Shoulda kept some double A's in the glovebox.
I'm reading now that people in evacuation zones around LA County haven't been able to charge their EVs due to the power being out and now it's near impossible to evacuate some areas due to overflow at charging stations.
I don't' know how this thread came back but...
It had me because:
I have watched more than a few old movies that show all sorts of content that I always thought was TA-fucking-BOO. Sure, they were more subtle, but On the Waterfront and Casablanca are just two that were mind blowing about sex, etc.
Sure they used modern terms, but Memes all have an origin story. Like that "oh, no, oh, no" sped up snippet from "Walking in the Sand" Old things feed new things. "Tossing a salad" is a perfect example of shit they might say back in the day. That's how they rolled back then - although this was well before my time.
The sound quality is fucking brilliant. If anything it should have been THIS fact that tipped me off because I am a geek like that.
Seriously though. That song was hilarious.
Side Note: I created the www.trp.red/feed/t/foreshadowing for such things (when they are real) to show that red pill truths have been very openly promulgated for a very long time. Thanks to @redpillschool for the name of the tribe. My ideas were rubbish.
Read MoreAs best I can tell:
Large fires have happened naturally since the beginning of time. Many forms of plant life have come to depend on fires to open seed pods. They are naturally occurring.
Climate change activists have been caught, tried and convicted of setting fires numerous times (here and in Canada) over the past decade. Apparently, their goal is to show that climate change is happening by setting the fires. I once saw a satellite image of fires that stopped along the US/Canadian border and someone commented how weird it was that fires respect international boundaries.
Several people have been caught setting the current fires - one was arrested by a group of citizens. This person appeared to be a "swarthy" man, and the speculation was that he was setting fires so that his gang could loot at will amidst the chaos.
The woman in charge of something or other ( LA Mayor?), requested a $75 million cut in funding for firefighters last year, which left the area vulnerable to such catastrophes.
There was some mismanagement of upstate reservoirs, which Gov. Newsome denied and got caught lying about. This was in the news yesterday.
Some claim that some firefighters were pissed about the cuts, and set the fires to show how much they are needed - but this one is just speculation. I have heard no actual data on this.
Very odd fires have been plaguing high end real estate areas for some time. Maui was another. How many of these are required to raise eyebrows? Again, this is speculation. But patterns matter.
CA has been dealing with fires like this for a long time. They have had a pretty impressing land/forest management system in place for decades. This is true of the entire PNW up through Canada. Removing dead trees, underbrush, back burning troublesome areas, etc. Those practices seem to have stopped in recent years and no one wants to own up to it.
No matter what anyone says, these things look nefarious to all but the most naïve people. Whether they were deliberately set (and some were) this could all have been avoided for reasons mentioned above. Someone WANTED this.
I bet anyone here $20 that someone will try to pin this on Trump.
Read MoreClimate change and weather whiplash. Plus other factors like not enough regular preventative burns of the forest or keeping houses away from said forest with a firebreak.
What's everybody's take on the fires in LA? Poor planning or intentional? Natural causes or arson?
@redpillschool I've lived in Los Angeles County all my life and am quite heartily sick of people from different climates smugly and self-righteously assigning blame; second only to the fire-engine-chaser law firms already aggressively advertising for clients to sue "Utilities, government, and anyone else (we can pin blame on in court...)" before the fires are even 50% contained.
I will admit I was disappointed when I first saw the (fat black female) fire chief appear on the screen. However, actually LISTENING to her, I must say she came across as entirely competent for the job, and correctly called out several problems. Namely that in these extreme dry wind conditions after it hasn't rained since last April, wildfires are going to rage. That the City/Mayor cut the fire department budget by around $11 million and forced layoffs of staff like mechanics resulting in over 100 major pieces of fire equipment sitting out of service at any given time. That the fire department isn't the party responsible when no water comes out of the hydrants. That paid fire staff has gotten laid off in favor of inmate labor (which is tantamount to slavery and certain parties are getting RICH off this program.) That while the fire department budget was cut, the police budget was increased at the same time by 10 times the amount cut from fire, in a deliberate F.U. to the Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police movements. That the huge budget increase to the police department hasn't resulted in more officers hired or any measurable decrease in crime.
Los Angeles is built on a literal desert, and could never have grown without importing massive amounts of water from elsewhere. This was literally the plot of the movie Chinatown. Development keeps pushing intto the wild borders of the LA, Riverside, and San Bernardino county urban supersprawl. If you've never been here, you wouldn't likely know the futility of "fuel clearing." During Santa Ana wind conditions, the wind literally blows flames across wide fire breaks and road/railroad right of ways, to directly ignite brush on the far side. This even happens on Interstate highways with a 200 foot plus span of not a single blade of dry grass. Additionally, these winds blow embers that start new spot fires literally miles away from the fire front.
Trump addressed this with a smug and self-righteous "Rake your forests like they do in Finland." This is all kinds of wrong, starting with the fact that Finnish officials pointed out that they never said they rake their forests to Trump, only that they HAVE lots of forested land. Additionally, Finland and frankly most of the rest of the United States has a much different climate than Southern California. It is VERY arid here, literally hasn't rained since last April. During Santa Ana Wind events, the moisture in brush and even living plants drops down into single digit percentages. Bluntly, people who live where it rains 40-80+ inches a year have NOTHING to tell California about fire behavior and control. When it DOES finally rain, the hillsides are prone to massive landslides and mud flows even WITHOUT massive denuding in the name of fire prevention.
One HUGE factor that pundits blaming shit like DEI and Smelt for the lack of water consistently leave out of their dipshit opinions about water in California is The Resnicks. Do even a shallow dive into them and see if your opinions about LOTS of things don't get seriously challenged. This couple has taken control of nearly 60% of water supply and infrastructure in California. They use it for their empire growing snack foods like Pistachios and Almonds in a literal desert. They also take water from distribution systems paid for by tax and rate payers, and SELL IT BACK to water districts and their rate payers! Furthermore, they lobby to keep Iranian sanctions in place so their production of superior pistachios doesn't threaten their market share in America. They are not only Jewish but ardent Zionists who contribute to the Netanyahu regime which has recently taken control of 60% of the water in Syria and actively deprive Palestinians of water... see a pattern here?
About the water drawn from the Sacramento watershed. Even at current levels, human activity already takes so much water from the flow of the mighty Sacramento River (not to mention the Owens which dried up a huge lake and Colorado that sometimes has ZERO flow to the ocean from several states worth of watershed), that salt water intrudes way up the river and water temperatures run too high both of which cause several species of fish populations to crash. It's disingenuous to point to Smelt and Shad and similar "fish that nobody eats" as these are critical parts of the food chain for things like the fish that people DO eat.
Honestly, it's a slave morality to buy into and repeat the notion that "Limitless human growth is GOOD, conservation and austerity and limiting population growth and urban sprawl is BAD/COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST etc. Oil companies themselves knew 50+ years ago that pulling 1/4 of the world's petroleum reserves and burning them into atmospheric CO2 in one human lifetime would alter the very climate of the planet. Yet here we are on track through still unlimited growth to burn most of the remaining 3/4 of it in another human lifetime, and Real Estate continues to dominate the LA economy and expand without limits into territory guaranteed to burn sooner not later- with NO thought to how long humanity can continue on this path. 1 more human lifetime? Two maybe before disasters kill off humans in the literal billions in bad years?
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I'm the head moderator of /r/TheRedPill and one of the admin on TRP.RED. Have a question? Reach out to me. I'm Redpillschool#5330 on Discord.
Red Pill Philosophy a la /r/theredpill