8y ago  The Hub

"What sounds better, 'person of the year' or 'the man of the year?' Yes. Man of the year." ~~Donald Trump a few hours ago. https://youtu.be/kS62y2HmHTs

8y ago  The Hub

If you watch videos of female singers in the 1950s, you can see that they demonstrated desirability by showing males lust for them. Now they demonstrate it by showing other women oggling them. How did men let their value sink so low?

8y ago  The Hub

Blue Pill in a nutshell: http://i.imgur.com/4HmODYs.jpg

8y ago  The Hub

Supposedly there exists a such thing as feminist mathematical epistemology. Did we need any more proof that women can't understand math? http://www.jstor.org/stable/3482752?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

8y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool What do you expect from people who can't even keep their genitals clean? http://everywomanweekly.com/new-study-shows-womens-pubic-hair-contains-30-fecal-matter/

8y ago  The Hub

@CisWhiteMaelstrom She was soooo careful. I just don't understand what happened...

8y ago  The Hub
8y ago  The Hub
8y ago  The Hub

SRSMen right now: http://imgur.com/j2ngKsA

8y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool And also because if it were just randomly committed violence done by a small part of the population, it'd be harder to work into a giant conspiracy theory of mass oppression.

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