2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss @AFTSOV I've considered a sexual credit system, actually, but I figure it would probably be too convoluted. The good thing about this system is that it forces men to be responsible for their children without sacrificing the fun of promiscuity. As such, it wouldn't be dysgenic, but eugenic, as only responsible men willing to take responsibility would breed, and women would prefer to get impregnated by men with more money/stability. At the same time, everybody is doing anal with everybody. Win-win-win-win.

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2y ago  The Hub

I see a lot of debate going on in these red-pilled and black-pilled spheres on what the ideal social system is. We're all aware of the sexual trichotomy (soft patriarchy, hard patriarchy, feminism). Of these, soft patriarchy seems to be the best system. However, "traditional" religious life feels stifling and incomplete. State-mandated GFs seems unfeasible, to address the blackpill. How about the following compromise system:

Men of any age may request mandatory sex with women aged 15-30, up to 6 per week, and women can take no more than 30 requests per week. On the following conditions: if a man impregnates a woman, he is now fully responsible over her financial care (like a parent) while she is nursing, and her child until adulthood (and the mother may leave when she is done nursing that child) AND he had no authority over her during this time period. However, women may not take birth control or have abortions or use condoms unless the man gives the OK. When having sex, the man has complete authority and responsibility, a la a responsible rape. Therefore, men will choose to impregnate women because men are naturally natalistic, thus lifting the birth rate up to healthy, third-world levels.

We would have to do away with suffrage, wealth redistribution, etc. for this to work, but it would preserve the fun of feminism without the downsides.

Women outside the 15-30 age range can do whatever they want. Women in that age range still can as long as they meet their sex requests (controlled, legal rape).

How's that sound?

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