4y ago  The Hub

@LilStrasser Tits or gtfo

4y ago  The Hub

@LilStrasser Dismisses argument immediately on "black-and-white"ly. Go back under your bridge. The Three Billy Goats Gruff await.

4y ago  The Hub

@TheStoicCrane I seem to be fine so far and I'm relatively young. Been focusing more on the eccentric portion of the contraction and time under tension than lifting heavy for the past few months to ensure proper technique. Switching back to Kinobody soon with some modifications from AthleanX.

4y ago  The Hub

@VintageNaginta Laws set in place by men have known since pre-historic times that women were the original birth control. If having a kid was not a net benefit, they'd just kill the kid. Hence why women get off easy when they "neglect" their child while men get charged with child murder.

4y ago  The Hub

@VintageNaginta Nice ad hominem incel. Someone doesn't understand nuance.

4y ago  TheRedPill

@MentORPHEUS Forgive me brother, for I have sinned and forgotten The Truth. I shall atone for my sins in the Temple of Iron with our holy ritual of the Squat.

4y ago  The Hub

"""What do you mean always giving tacit approval and being a doormat to everything with and without a hole to fulfill my desires doesn't get me what I want?"""

4y ago  TheRedPill
Endorsed Contributor

@DoggyStyle Lest ye forget:

The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.

4y ago  TheRedPill

@MentORPHEUS Isn't TRP more about helping men find true power?

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