3y ago  TheRedPill

@uslivewe I doubt any self-respecting man would fall for that propaganda. This is more like the corporate elites flexing their control of the narrative to us plebs. Remember, the medium is the message.

4y ago  The Hub

@destraht This shit is why white nationalists hate you guys

4y ago  Politics

@redpillkings When your scientific argument is so strong that you used a retarded 16 year old girl as your mouthpiece.

4y ago  Politics

@bambinosupremo After about three years of following American and international politics I realized that I can't be confined into a single point on the political chart, so I decided that my views are more on a "cloud" covering the libertarian right with some overlapping regions on the authoritarian right.

What I'm firm on, however, is opposing feminism and degeneracy pushed by the politically-correct Left.

4y ago  The Hub

@Gaboyski Frankly I would not host these people, nor even tacitly stake my reputation on their behavior, reliance on disinformation tactics, and consistent inability to pass an ideological Turing test. They are reaping the fruits of the childish, emotional, and feminine framed game of triggering other side as an end unto itself.

4y ago  The Hub

@Gaboyski The impulse to boycott them is akin to "can't fire me cuz I quit" because these removals amount to a mass boycott by the social media userbase. It's a mistake to frame it as "censorship" without first 100% considering and vetting them on their own merits, according to your own standards. Connecting w/audience is speakers job

4y ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS There's also an anti-Zionist preacher named Steven Anderson who got banned from EU countries. He made a religious documentary attacking the military-industrial-banking complex.

4y ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS Even Paul Joseph Watson. Honestly we can't really do the boycott social media platforms because the machine is too powerful. Unless you turn on VK or Renren but if you wouldn't mind having to learn Russian or Mandarin.

5y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil When dank memes give more meaning to philosophy

5y ago  The Hub

@redhead Did you experience the cheerleader effect when approaching groups of girls?

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