3y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV Because people don't work through logic but emotion.

But if you want an answer, it's because racism was invented by white people to give justification and reason for why and how they managed to conquer pretty much everything. If I am a king, I'll invent a story to tell the people I rule why I rule them so they don't realize I'm a human just like them and overthrow me. Divinity works well for this.

The hilarious part is when I, the King, or my descendants start believing the made-up story. Believe it is real and it becomes real. And what's real can be used against you the creator.

3y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- Oh no bro. I can't thank TRP enough for how much it has changed my life in terms of how I view the world but I think I've pretty much internalized it's essence. Of course I forget sometimes, but an hour or two of browsing asktrp and the main reddit channel clears my head quickly.

I was just curious on what the overall vision of this site/movement is? To give you a bit of context, currently 25, making good money in a great career, and I have a cute girlfriend. I enjoy her company quite a bit. But I'm extremely happy that no ounce of my being is attached to her. This simple concept has helped me just kick back and enjoy life and it's thanks to TRP and outcome independence.

TRP to me is like the rulebook on the basics of life that every boy should've been given when they came of age.. For those who read, understand and implement the lessons within, they witness its fruits, for those that don't, well.

But the concept for both groups are the same. Is trp.red a regurgitation of the rulebook? Endless rituals to rehash, re-understand, re-write the lessons contained within or something more? Since this site will be the center for TRP concepts, what's its purpose?

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3y ago  The Hub

@Hannibal In my opinion, the future is us embracing the fact that we have influenced the culture at large and continuing the tradition.

These days, you can't throw a rock online without someone claiming red pill this or that because there was something called a subreddit that blossomed despite an environment that hated everything it stood for. Without the leadership of @redpillschool nobody would utter the phrase "The Red Pill" today.

You want to get red pilled on something? this is the site for it and we're building the infrastructure to support that.

3y ago  The Hub

New here and signed up for a bunch of tribes and they're all kinda empty?

Here's a question, I've been in the TRP scene for a while now, mainly in the shadows, but TRP is all about individual growth and the ones who pull themselves up by their bootstraps and grind are the ones that get to the summit. What do you guys see the future of TRP being? The future of this site/reason for it?

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