2y ago  The Hub

@Antelope God just wants you to live your best life, not be a blue pilled servant cucklord.

He needs red pilled warriors to spread the word of his existence & teach their kids.

Religon is a guide, God is all powerful, and you are his creation -- so don't disappoint.

Start a Harem with 600 children & teach them the ways.

2y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine I'm looking forward to hearing a catholic's approach.

I'm a deep orthodox christian.

I'll make this clear: Oneitis & marriage doesn't exist for us the same way it does for catholics.

While eventually we get married & have plenty of healthy kids, it's a huge fuck fest before that.

I know priests that are naturally red pilled to the gills.

We're epicureans & sensualists when it comes to youthful years.

Life's too fucking short to wait for sex & what nature has programmed us from the beggining.

God is almighty & all powerful, he wants his children to spread the news for his existence & to multiplty.

Having sex before marrige is no sin.

That's blue pilled bullshit & doesn't make you a bad person.

The amount of shit that some people have taken out of their asses & taught it as a bad is mesmirizing.

Being good is being a friend to yourself on a self improving path.

Being unemphatic & ridiculing people in hard times makes you bad.

Not having sex.

Not having an healthy ego.

Orthodox christianity is based.

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2y ago  The Hub

@jprdl Seeking validation (especially from orbiter betas) is a common habit if you've been blue pilled long enough.

Taking risks is alpha.

Even if you lose, lose with pride.

However, nothing's ever lost if you learn something from it.

You'll find yourself significantly more enjoying the sweet taste of victory & bitter taste of defeat when you know that shit was 100% you.

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss Agreed, that isn't happening. I started approaching for that sole reason. I guess it takes time to beat the disney level blue pilled bullshit.

2y ago  The Hub

(ASK TRP) Is ghosting just a text version of a shit test?

Quick background story:

Approached 3 hot girls with a friend & managed to hardcore make out & touch one twice while I kept ignoring her sister's desperate clingyness for my cock.

Got her super wet & giga simp-level interested with an unshakeable frame & mystery.

She followed herself on Instagram via my phone so we could bang later (apparently had no internet to immedietly follow me back & I sadly fell for that shit test).

We separated a bit later cause it was getting too late & ever since then she's been hella ghosting & not following back.

Texted her once with something along the lines of "This bitchy cheerleader persona that you're showing is just turning me on".

No response until I sent a vid the next day which she gave into her curiosity & left it on seen.

It's almost the fourth day she's been ghosting & I already sent two texts with no reply.

Should I next her or is this an astronomical shit test?

She did tell me mid make out session "I'm going to ask around & do research on you (small city & cause I always replied with "maybe" on every question for a mystery effect").

She barely shit tested me IRL since she knew I was wayyy to amused & confident for her shit.

Thinking of giving it a last shot by just shooting one last text showcasing mastered amusement & playfully teasing her childish attempt on breaking my frame.

Pretty lost on the texting game since not a lot of posts mention texting (from what I've read).

It's pointless to rationalise this, so feedback from fellow Chads is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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