8y ago  The Hub

@IllimitableMan We have a lot of awesome new features in the works. Get ready!

8y ago  The Hub

A woman's uppity moral facade is nothing other than a shaming mechanism to manipulate the men around her into deferring. Be shameless.

8y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil who the fuck would want to plate that bitch anyway

8y ago  The Hub
8y ago  The Hub

@IllimitableMan Thanks for fixing that

8y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool the notifications you get for likes - is it 1 notification per message, or if you get 5 likes on one message do you get 5 notifications? If the latter, I can see inboxs flooding quickly when the site is properly launched.

8y ago  The Hub

@IllimitableMan The notification system was stupid and broken so i'm changing it from PMs to a separate notification.

8y ago  The Hub

Rule of hypergamy; if she's attracted to you, you're better than her. Girl showing interest? It's because you're superior. Act like it.


8y ago  The Hub
8y ago  The Hub
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