3y ago  The Hub

@Elvis Oh yeah she's not the only woman. I've got a few plates spinning. This is just one particular situation. even in my more thouroughly beta days I never put all my eggs in one basket

3y ago  The Hub

Is there a tribe for recovering Betas? I'm really starting to figure this shit out.

This is a weird strategy, but there's a girl who I know is attracted to me (always catch her staring at me, randomly texts me just to get my attention, that sort of stuff) and she thinks she's friend-zoned me. For now.

But i take her to parties and other events while her beta boyfriend stays home, and the attention she gives me seems to get the attention of other girls, which results in other girls gravitating to me.

Is this an Aplha strategy? Is it beta to play the long game with this time of girl? Is the long game Beta no matter what? I'm interested in you thoughts

This girl's about to go camping with me without her boyfriend, which seems to mean she wants something from me that he's not giving her.

3y ago  The Hub

@ItsDirtball I know the definition NOW, but the word was novel to 13yo me. I asked her to repeat it within the contest rules, the bitch affected palpable irritation with me as if it was MY fault her strong accent was 2,500 miles out of place.

3y ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS That's why you ask them to use it in a sentence.

If you've studied enough, then you'll know that DAWLry, the price a groom's family pays to the bride's family to secure the marriage, is spelled d-o-w-r-y

3y ago  The Hub

Alright guys. I'm starting on a Red Pill mission in Eugene Oregon.

I grew up thoroughly blue pilled in the CA bay area and since moving to OR I've come to understand the importance of keeping masculinity in the culture.

For fuck's sake people even drive like simps here, giving each other right of way when the law clearly says they should go first.

I still have a lot of progress to make in my interactions with women, feminized men, and the various lgbt folks here, but I'm making progress every day.

There's a delicate tightrope I want to walk because coming in too hot with red pill thinking will cost me greatly in both my business and the music side hustle i've established here.

But everyone already knows I think outside of the normie blue pill bullshit so my foot is already across the threshold. I've made that clear.

Anyway, the point is I'm glad to be in this metacommunity and I wish you all luck in living that Red Pill life wherever you are.

Praise Rollo. Love no bitch. Stay focused.

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