4y ago  The Beer Hall

@-Anteros- I dont feel persecuted, Im simply dissapointed. I came to TRP.red cos it showed like it had some good RP content, sans the reddit soyboy faggotry. That is no longer the case.

4y ago  The Beer Hall

@Osiris GLOgang bans for pleb ideological beliefs, which are easy to see if you understand the position.

Anteros bans if you hurt his feelys.

4y ago  The Hub

I'm glad this incident with Whisper happened. It affirms my opinion that original red pill is braindead retarded and runs on an undercurrent of liberalism and word salad.

GLOgang may be curt, occasionally to a fault, but it got me reading difficult books which has been the only solution to a lifelong existential dread I have found that works.

4y ago  The Hub

@karl Thanks for the detailed reply, Ive got a close mate who was just prescribed em, and wanted to know what to expect. I tried scouring reddit for info but the general consensus seems to be "Its got the least negative side effects so just take it, dont think about it." The a priori assumpion seems to be that you have to be on some kind of anti-depressant, not that theres an actual fix to these problems (lifting, sleep, diet etc), a mindset that my friend holds as well.

4y ago  The Hub

Anybody have experience with fluoxetine (Prozac)?

4y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 When i first got into trp, I thought it brought on some epiphanies, such as finding a mission, the importance of physical dominance and the secondary effects of standing up/down socially in the face of conflict. But the whole time there was this obvious undercurrent of ideas, things my dad would've called "yavreiskiy zamashki" (Jewish tendencies). I stopped visiting any trp websites shortly after I realised this, only returning when i found trp.red, as i figured my time would be more valuable focussed on uni and physically improving myself. When i found trp.red i found a much more real source of revelatory information, such as being able to put into words what I disagreed with in the subreddit (sophistry).

What spurred you into pirating that book?

4y ago  The Hub

One of the first websites that got me into trp concepts. Not this exact article, the one I had read was more about hypnosis/brainwashing and has since been 404'd.


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