4y ago  The Hub

@destraht @Rian_stone Without legal rights or a publisher, options are obviously limited. Anyone could make a really shitty stack of print-outs. What do you thing about getting the pages printed and spiral-bound? Alternatively, I could learn to bind copies by hand.

4y ago  The Hub

@MatrixofLe3adership the problem is with IP ownership. Technically Reddit is the only one with the rights to do so (EULA) and a lot of writers are no longer around to give permission.

4y ago  The Hub

@nr368 Can you make that a little more intelligible?

4y ago  The Hub

I would pay to have a nice physical-copy book of the sidebar with other selected top posts published in their original form (ie. as they appeared on r/TheRedPill). Maybe I'll think about/look into this more. If designed and sewn with a proper binding, that would be one kick-ass book.

4y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 Read Bernard Knox's Introduction to Fagles' translation of the Odyssey or the Iliad. He debunks your statement pretty thoroughly.

4y ago  The Hub

Because I shouldn't have to look both ways to avoid being killed #Roadkillculture #YesAllCats #Me(ow)Too

4y ago  The Hub

@destraht Want my advice? Volume is for lifts, not comment feeds. You need to dial it way the fuck back my dude.

4y ago  The Hub

As far as I can tell from glancing through the 'Red Pill 500,' the reason the community is so different now is because a larger proportion of guys were still figuring things out together. Even the ECs were admitting major areas of weakness. Here's one example I can remember.

4y ago  The Hub

It somewhat bothers me how the Greeks have been appropriated as a beacon of gayness. I can't speak to that, but read the Iliad and you know they were some badass motherfuckers.

4y ago  The Hub

Damn me, I've used another example from fiction

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