7y ago  The Hub

@Niko_Choski I don't think @dr_warlock means you personally, he is talking generally.

As for the current anti-MGTOW attack,might it have to do with identity issues,exacerbated by the comming elections? Ultimatelly,every collective identity is a false one,even a RP one. Self-actualization for a man is about using ideologies,being above.

7y ago  The Hub

@dr_warlock Well I have been coming to the red pill telling people do whatever the fuck you want with women. I think I understand them pretty well personally, yet I totally get the decision of a man wanting nothing to do with them. The red pill contains a toolbox, what people do with it, is up to them.

7y ago  The Hub

@Niko_Choski You can disregard women. Whatever. I don't care. But dont you come into TRP and state that it's because you're tired of them when you cant get laid. That hamstering shit has no place here. This concept applies to any subject of the sub.

7y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil Dude, that's no reason at all. If you are doing it for their benefit - it's the wrong way, if you are doing it to out-AMOG them what for? All it looks like is that you don't like the way they live and you are attacking them for it. Who cares if a man uses his dick or what he does in his bedroom?

7y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil I don't see the point of the constant attack. What is that meant to achieve?

7y ago  The Hub

@dr_warlock Mate, I in no way agree or support your point of view here.

7y ago  The Hub

Jesus fucking christ, look at this shit show. Unbelievable. Lurker MSTOW's are rioting. Call the riot police!


@Niko_Choski @-Anteros-, you were right. The butthurt is everywhere. I uncovered the log they were hiding under for comfort.

7y ago  The Hub

@JohannesFactotum Yes bro, I'm familiar with the theories, it's always better to save you of course. Biological reasons examined like that do not speak to the individual motivations and I tried to explore that. To move further than let's say a biological determinism model for that behaviour.

7y ago  The Hub

@Niko_Choski "Kin selection." Yes this is in TRP-territory. https://trp.red/t/ip It has been said that one could die for two brothers or eight cousins and still propagate "their" genes without having children of their own.

7y ago  The Hub

I'm not even sure this is red pill territory, but let's start talking about men in relation to themselves. Man, the: Protector

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