"The Empress Is Naked"
@adam-l NGL, that has got to be the strangest book review I think I've ever read that nonetheless still left me wanting to read the book sometime.
I finished Otto Weininger's Sex and Character (1903), and I must say I'm impressed. A lot to process in there. It probably had quite an impact, although with the writer being antisemitic, gay, and killing himself, people didn't credit him much. Freud called him "highly gifted but sexually deranged". A feminist credited him for the idea that there is femininity and masculinity in every man and woman.
There are two core take aways, imo. First, that men have a soul, what we could call a hard core in their character, or a sense of honor. Second, that many men fail to realize their potential, and remain effectively women.
Seeing the woke hysteria take over the world lately, this old book proved to be quite prophetic. It's very readable, as philisophy goes. The guy wrote it all, and then killed himself as a promotion stunt, so that his book would circulate and his spirit would live forever. For his own standards, I believe he succeeded.
Read MoreThey (and I mean the block of elites around Trump) seem decided to squeeze as much juice out of society, selling ribbons and nationalism.
I strongly second this point. From my POV inside America but outside of the Maga bubble, I don't see either Trump nor his fans delivering an open and straightforward plan to move forward nor engaging what DOES come out in an objective manner.
Instead, from the Administration I'm seeing a cabinet getting packed with Zionists and Oligarchs, putting out shallow talking points that don't hold up to scrutiny (like Elon Musk tweeting out "59 million in FEMA funding paid to put illegal immigrants into luxury hotels" that dominate and tie up the news cycle for days while a pile of egregious conflicts of interest proceed without anyone even engaging them such as Musk shutting down the CFPB that would police and regulate his plan to integrate a payment system into X.
On the Trump Fan side, I don't see literally anyone questioning or scrutinizing the administrations actions or stated plans. On the contrary, they actively deflect specific issues called into question with emotional responses and pivot to raising past actions of "other political sportsball team". For example, "You Democrats (I'm not!) just hate that Trump is cutting out waste and fraud. We should just give him a chance. Where were you when Clinton something something? Why do you keep screeching/whining/complaining about Trump?" Direct questions asked of groups get deflected by every logical fallacy and rhetorical trick in the book instead of responded to at all, for instance the CFPB and taking over Ethnic Cleansing and dispossession of Palestinian land.
I've been around this block many a time and saw the exact same pattern during other R administrations- enthusiastic support of literally anything the President does and says, fallacious arguments so old we call them by their Latin names in modern English, and DARVO games played on critics. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars under W Bush. The first Gulf War under H.W. Bush. Reaganomics. Even individuals who have come around and grudgingly admitted getting duped by the propaganda surrounding these as they unfolded, actively insist it will be different this time under Trump.
Read MoreTrump is surfing the accelerating collapse.
The fact that the normies think that he cares about them is a testament to human stupidity. He saod just the right things to get elected and now he'll do what he's put into that office to do.
Trump represents the oligarchical class: he'll squeeze everything out of the system while there is still some juice left.
The oligarchs have global interests, they could care less about antiquated notions of nationalism.
America for them is just a dying old cow they're about to feast on.
@Vermillion-Rx as much as I like seeing his anti-woke moves, I am not optimistic.
There are two faces of the female sexual strategy. The manipulated man was a thing of the traditionalist approach already.
The fact remains that women are a resource whose exploitation bemefits the state. They are not going to give that resource away to the average man. In fact, I dont think they'll march towards traditionalism either, in no practically meaningful way.
They (and I mean the block of elites around Trump) seem decided to squeeze as much juice out of society, selling ribbons and nationalism.
@adam-l While neither really meets the ideal, I can’t help but concede that America at least still holds the potential. Whereas Europe is ideologically determined to castrate itself and its inhabitants come what may.
For example, it is exponentially easier for me to homestead in America and never have to worry about school shootings and inner city demographics ever again.
In Europe, the bureaucracy is deliberately designed against me, the native, avoiding the pitfalls and enslaving me to the system in which I will be crushed beneath the wheels of an enraged islamist who has been given every opportunity to do so.
@Stigma this reminds me of the tight vs loose pack tactic of the slave traders. Which of the two is our favourite, I wonder...
All in all, though, I'd say that things are worse in the US, due to the errosion of the social fabric. Friendlessness, constant moving between jobs and accross the country, fatherlessness, normalized drug usage, divorce rates... And 7x rate crime.