3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris @Osiris Your 1st and 3rd sources are the only ones I agree with academically. In light of that, I concede that, yes, better academic education decreases likelihood of crime. Now, that being said, "unprovoked murders is the counterpoint to my theory" doesn't make sense because my theory was never 'perception will eliminate unprovoked killings.' It certainly might help people view people of color differently, which is good, but that isn't going to solve everything.

3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris So then my point was made. You weren't discussing what I was. You were having a conversation with yourself. lmao. No worries though. Props though for the sources. I'm reading through them.

3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris Because I'm speaking about a specific issue. i.e How people of color can change how they are perceived. Not two specific deaths. That is not the point of my discussion.

3y ago  The Hub

Here's a guide for people of color to eliminate racism. 1.) Start by stop trying to force people to not be racist. That doesn't work. We've proven that. 2.) Stop worshipping stupid celebrities and false idols who promote violence and glorify stupidity.

3.) Be the change and start educating your own community. Mentor young fatherless and wayward boys and girls into becoming outstanding citizens.

4.) Start voting, take the census. Clean up your community and work towards making your community a beacon of progress and growth.

5.) Engage in politics and public relations and change the perception of your community in other people's eyes.

This TRP 101. Demonstrate. Don't explain.

3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris missing the forest for the trees.

3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris An impoverished child can still figure out that it's wrong to steal, or kill, or break shit that doesn't belong to them. No education is required.

"Poor people are poor and resort to crime because they are poorly educated. This isn't an opinion."

Since it's a fact, I'd actually like the source on that. Aside from that, it's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

3y ago  The Hub

@TheStoicCrane perception is everything. Humans, despite our evolved intelligence from our primate ancestors, are unfortunately still stuck with a myriad of negative traits. Among them being the tendency to dislike that which is dissimilar, and to still possess a tribe mentality and group security preference. Bias is still something everyone possesses. Point me to someone who says they have no bias for someone of another race and I will prove they are a liar. Most just don't have the gall to admit they do.

If you want to change a populations perception of something, you need to prove to then it has changed. The burden of proof falls on the the black community to change the publics perception.

3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris "tired and worn out comment".

An old and outdated ploy to minimize an argument by describing it with adjectives that imply it's ineffectiveness, age, etc.. see what I did there?

Your response indicates that you lack any viable counter option in order to curb the killings. See the bigger picture. 1000 is an insignificant number which is sensationalized, in contrast to the number of people killed in myriad of other more fucked up ways than police brutality.

Unfortunately, RPS is correct. Tell the black community to stop killing and perhaps things get better.

Perception is everything. Blacks want to stop being viewed as criminals and thugs? Tell them to stop behaving that way. Or even better, go after the countless entities that glorify these behaviors and encourage them to emulate them. Record labels, media, etc.

Also, the US is not the UK. we are in a different league from them with our own set of problems. Don't compare yourself to other people.

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3y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV *unfortunately for them

3y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV fuck that. The worst part is, those people advocating it are serious. Unfortunately it won't ever happen.

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