5y ago  The Hub

@BadBoyProgrammer alpha not aloha - lol!

5y ago  The Hub

@BadBoyProgrammer I agree- it

5y ago  The Hub

@Noblefiz Homeschooling is illegal here in Sweden otherwise I would push harder for it. No trust when you are forced into it. Still, I like to keep poking my nose into the classroom whenerver I can and the teacher is already pregnant!

5y ago  The Hub

@BadBoyProgrammer how mad? I just came here wanting to post something similar. My suggestion is replacing Alpha/ Beta with Master/ Slave. It's inkeeping with the two perspectives, their relationship and also sends a clear message to a media who would seek to twist the definitions. You can't really argue with Hegel and Nietzsche so easily.

5y ago  The Hub

@ReallyGrounded as backup plans go, it

5y ago  The Hub

@StrikePrice - Us and Them is a good one! 'others' always coddle the weak while 'we' bring our children through their struggles and challenges. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference- which is why it's often not wise to leap into ego fuelled judgement.

5y ago  The Hub

In case anyone was wondering about the mission, it's the modern Myth of Sisyphus: Find the biggest shit test you can manage, take it on, tackle it & overcome it. Let the brothers know how it's done, bask in the glory and then go do it all over again.

5y ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS At least there's a trail so they can't try #metoo in future. This is just good insurance for men against plausible deniability. She is left with selling what little she has left the the New York Times instead. Still, if that's the quality, I ain't signing up!

5y ago  The Hub
5y ago  The Hub

@LOTS Abundance mentality would suggest that you focus on the things you want to do instead of time sinking on the phone. Focus on what you "will" rather than what you "won't" to harness willpower.

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