4y ago  The Hub

@CainPrice This is spot on.

4y ago  The Hub

@CainPrice if I never would have found TRP and my eyes never traveled through the pages of "no more mr nice guy." I can safely say I would be a fat depressed mess.

Over 110lbs lighter and 100% happier a good portion is due to the fact that the Red pill taught me a lot about the surrounding world around me and I was in a position to fully soak up Its harsh truths.

4y ago  TheRedPill

@GayLubeOil I've been noticing this for a while. A influx of new people are staring to dilute what was originally a great source of information daily. Most I imagine don't even bother to look at the side bar which is where a lot of the meat is.

4y ago  The Hub

@TheRedPike That's a very good point.

4y ago  The Hub

@Pouderpuff > I wonder if the hoards of lonely 35 plus year old women will set up a sign to younger women that maybe being a carousel rider isn't worth the loneliness in the end.

I'm pretty sure this is how slut shaming sets itself up in every emerging social order. It's all just the cycle of civilization.

4y ago  The Hub

@CainPrice Pretty much just spoon feeding men what they want to hear so they can retreat back to a place of ignorance.

4y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 I wonder when all of this comes around to bite them in the ass if younger women will take a hint and not follow in the "benevolent" feminist practices.

Though, it is in their nature to continue this behavior. I wonder if the hoards of lonely 35 plus year old women will set up a sign to younger women that maybe being a carousel rider isn't worth the loneliness in the end.

On the same token there are plenty of men that are beta to fill the void for them to be a doormat for money and feed their lives while they lust for more cock.

Nonetheless it'll be interesting to see how this unfolds as I age and if any shift of social ideals changes within women. But, I'm not counting on it. The decline is a strange and interesting ride.

4y ago  The Hub

What are some of your pre workour routines? I usually slam my two scoops of protein and 2 creatin pills about 2 hours before I head out. Then 30 - 45 minutes before the iron palace I slam my pre workout.

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