2y ago  The Hub

@Derf Since you reached jaded now go read the rational male by rollo tomassi

2y ago  The Hub

@Antelope Exactly what this guy said. My opinions are going to be bias because I have black pilled myself to a degree yet at the same time truthfully speaking I cannot have sex with a woman unless I have zero respect for her. It's a me thing. Not everybody is like this yet if I have sex with a girl I even have a little respect for I don't get hard. But a girl I got no respect. Could never respect for. I hard like a missle. Especially feminists oh my god. They turn me on so much. Feminists are everything what's wrong with women in a nutshell and I want to put my dick into that flesh bag of completely irrational dogma. God they're so fucking stupid. I love that. Subtly pushing their buttons while I'm balls deep in a feminist and she's getting pissed off and orgasming at the same time while she's wet and I'm offending her and she can't figure out which one it is god I love that shit. Sorry side tracked.

I read this somewhere but when it comes to marriage pick the level of crazy you're willing to deal with on a daily basis and marry that one.

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2y ago  The Hub

@Derf bahahahaha they all are full fledged sluts depending on the context they're put in. You want one who doesn't fuck every guy she meets? Go build yourself a LoveDoll.

2y ago  The Hub

if u look just a tiny bit closer it might say "Fuck you. Right."

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss lmaoooo

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss Dude my Momma is the least crazy out of them all. My grandfather is married to a crazy bitch and my Grandma's Mom fought in the warsaw uprising. Her Mom met my great grandfather from being dug out of the rumble of a hospital she was in that got bombed by the nazis and her Momma was even fucking crazier. This is generational insanity.

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss I'm just saying man I'm what came out of her. I've turned a hardcore atheist into believe the Devil is real. She's crazy but I'm pure evil in human form. You might be happy in suffering yet "The soul that has conceived one wickedness can nurse no good thereafer" - sophocles.

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss lmaooo trust me my Mom is a level of crazy you'd not want to touch. As much as I want to respect my Momma there's a certain point you look at your Mom and you realize holy fucking hell she is batshit crazy and then you look at your Dad and finally understand the reason he divorced her.

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss dude that's sad and I'm over here with a hydroponics grow tent growing chili peppers in a fully controlled environment with hepa intake filter controlling the quality of air entering and exiting. Fully controlled climate control that I build and I'm using marshydro grow lights. And I'm bout to start writing up my computer science programming project. I mountain bike and do bike parks. I scuba dive. I train Brazilian Jiu jitsu. The only TV I do want is Reno911 cause that shit is funny as hell. And you tellin me people got no hobbies anymore? Hobbies aren't about hobbies they're about creating something new. Giving life back. Damn that's fucked man. Ik men arent that different Army is a pretty good example of that.

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2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss Lmaooo. You know we have saying in Polish which has a direct translation into English because that's how much weight it carries its, Bitch gives Dog takes. My Uncle was telling me about it and he told me you need to train a bitch otherwise bitch will give and dogs will take. Which ironically the third person who's said that to me.

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