5y ago  The Hub

Part of the problem is that it

5y ago  The Hub


5y ago  The Hub

You have no idea how much discipline it

5y ago  The Hub

@THE_StrongBoy If I was the Blue Pill Overlord wanting to suppress men, one of my most effective tools would be to gently push the "Enjoy the decline" mentality, then sit back and watch men do my work by spreading and expanding the fundamentally anti-masculine notion that "Can't change shit in the world, just have fun improve nothing LOL"

5y ago  The Hub
5y ago  The Hub

This guy is mad but it made me laugh lol

5y ago  The Hub


Just a feel good post for your Monday. Sentenced for only two and a half years, and only has to serve 15 months. Big yikes

5y ago  The Hub

@redhead you're a faggot

5y ago  The Hub

@Poisenpen you're right, I'll stick to all natural ORGANIC cocaine from now on

5y ago  The Hub

Adding to the list of good human evolutionary traits that are no longer necessary: Anxiety. If I pop a benzo before I go out its like I took a superpower pill. Its amazing socially

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