6mo ago  The Hub


So we need a much clearer, harder to fudge decider:

Won't work.

That is what it means to live in a Femocracy.

If you assume the femocracy, whatever laws imposed to protect any rational values, will get overturned.

Whether it will be the rule of

disturbed parent

or the rule

who earns more money

At the end they wont exist. As well as they do not exist today.

Covering the bases is the only way.

6mo ago  The Hub


of modern day men knowing damn well they can't have it both ways later on

They would, unless men would get right to divorce on woman's fault. Otherwise women would quickly adjust. Sure it is not the same as shearing a sheep, but next options down the line would be:

  1. Just live in, deny sex, and fuck on a side without worrying will husband find out and claim marital rape if need be
  2. Live in, make a life a living hell (psy warefare, not physical) and wait for him to file for divorce
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