6y ago  The Hub

@revengerence Before the 20th century, virtually every woman on the planet since the dawn of humanity only acquired wealth via birth or marriage into a higher class than herself, not through labor, effort, or skill. Women want access, not ownership. This is why they are emotionally unstable unless they're provided for by a man past ~23.

6y ago  The Hub

@Rollo-Tomassi Large-scale female approval of your product/training/message is a sign that it's mediocre, so easy as to be useless, and filled with feelgood lies and bullshit that make it easy to rationalize the lack of results of said product/training/message.

6y ago  The Hub

@Rollo-Tomassi "I think he enjoyed the attention from the women."


Enjoying the platonic attention of women (ie approval of your philosophy) is a beta trait, especially if you let it determine your path.


Roger Sterling knows whats up

6y ago  The Hub


"Gotta caravan of terpers every time we ride, hittin motherfucking bloopies up every time they pass by"


"We got 4 terpers. & keyboards & neckbeards screamin 'Alpha-Life' every time they pass. All eyez on me"


Song: https://trp.red/t/1by


#TRPGang #RpThugz #RpTribe #RedPill4Life #AlphaLife

6y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil Let me take you under my black wings and show you the way, grasshoppa. Soon you too will have your audience yearning to drug, rape, dismember, and brand you with just a few key strokes.

6y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil I didn't know my alpha writing skills could evoke such sexual arousal in my readers. That sub is filled with keyboard warriors that are suffering from suppressed urges. That's not healthy. If you want the Warlock Cock, just say it.

6y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil Oh boy. He calls me pathetic then says...


"I could shoot [dr_warlock] with a tranquilizer, take him into the woods and fuck him in the ass to show him who's really alpha. Then I'd saw off all his limbs, cauterize the wound, and tattoo 'gamma pussy ass bitch' on his face before I leave him on the side of the freeway."

6y ago  The Hub

Read this 4chan story, then read the second comment by /u/MrRibbotron. Great shitlord rape joke that's theoretically plausible.

6y ago  The Hub
6y ago  The Hub

@dr_warlock MGTOW are the benchwarmers

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