4y ago  The Hub
Weakness Destroyer


I spit on him

4y ago  The Hub
Weakness Destroyer


Yeah. The problem in Russia has always been transition of power - there has historically been little consistency in effective rulership - effective leaders get replaced by incompetent leaders that undo most of the progress that has been achieved.

Putin recognizes this and is attempting reforms - lets see where this takes him.

4y ago  The Hub
Weakness Destroyer


Yeah i agree.

The soviet elite fucked their own country to access luxury - yachts, mansions and gucci clothing. The Americans had a better system of propaganda/marketing in place

4y ago  The Hub
Weakness Destroyer


Lol. Soviet union built the second strongest economy in the world in about 30 years, reaching a level it took America about 150 years to reach.

Of course the soviet union was behind as it had undergone numerous wars, constant pressure from enemy states, and had alot less time to develop than America.

Also, if capitalism was better than the centrally planned economy - why was the USSR economy ahead of that of other capitalist countries like UK?

4y ago  TheRedPill

@itiswr1tten This was really fun to listen to. Just two dudes speaking from experience about the process of cultivating themselves. Simple but effective, keep posting great content like that man. I'm grateful for it!

4y ago  The Hub

@itiswr1tten looks like I got caught In the block wave too somehow. What a pussy I didn’t even say anything to him yet.

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